The Philosophy of Ayn Rand

in #politics7 years ago

Over a century ago, in the city of St. Petersburg, a girl by the name of Alisa Rosenbaum was born. And from an early age it was clear Alisa was different. At 10 years old she would sit in the back of class, a text book propped up in front of her, hiding her doings from the teacher. She wasn't passing notes like most kids. She wasn't drawing doodles to distract her. No, Alisa was instead writing her first novel. 

Later in life these differences became even more pronounced. Alisa lived in the Russian Empire, dominated by Communism. Ideas which contradicted the norms established by the government simply weren't welcome. At one point during her college tenure Alisa was purged from the school for her counter culture ideas. Fortunately, she was later allowed to finishes her studies. About a year after graduation Alisa acquired a visa allowing her to travel to the States for the first time. She flew into New York City, and upon seeing the skyline she broke down into "tears of splendor", intent to make his place her home. It was here Alisa Rosenbaum formally adopted her new name: 

Ayn Rand. 

Enter me in video format:

Five Pillars of Objectivism:

  • Objective Reality - Facts are facts whether we like it or not.
  • Reason - “[Reason is] man's only means of perceiving reality, his only source of knowledge, his only guide to action, and his basic means of survival."
  • Self-Interest - "Man's first duty is to himself."
  • Laissez Faire Capitalism - A system where there is, "a complete separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church." 
  • Romanticism

For those interested in learning more about Ayn Rand and Objectivism...


Column: This is what happens when you take Ayn Rand seriously - 

Objectivism (Ayn Rand) - 

Ayn Rand Institue - 

Ayn Rand Lexicon — Charity - 

"Atlas Shrugged" Sets A New Record! - 

The Nature of the Morality of Rational Egoism: Short Notes - 

What BioShock Gets Wrong About Ayn Rand’s Objectivism - 

What is the Objectivist Position in Morality (Ethics)? - 


Ayn Rand First Interview 1959 -

Ayn Rand Interview with Tom Snyder -

Ayn Rand Interview with Tom Snyder (2/3) -

Ayn Rand Interview with Tom Snyder (3/3) -

Ayn Rand Interviewed By Phil Donahue -

Ayn Rand: Philosophy, Objectivism, Self Interest (full interview with Yaron Brook) -

The Philosophy of BioShock - Wisecrack Edition - 

Your most humble and obedient servant,



It will be interesting to see how many of her predictions eventually come true...

Thanks for the post. It is appreciated. I first encountered Ayn Rand I believe in 1987 or 1988 when someone who knew what I was like recommended I read "The Fountainhead" and this was different for me as I was a voracious reader but mostly read sci-fi, fantasy, and horror at the time. A book about an Architect that was not tied to some horror tale did not seem like something I would read.

Yet the book SANG to my soul. I could relate on many levels as Howard Roark said many things that had gone through my own mind, and he said many things that in my youth (I was in the later years of High School) I had not yet thought of.

I loved the book. I thought it was simply amazing, and I know he recommended the book to me simply based upon the many things I would talk about and say that did sound similar to discussions and conversations from that book.

I did recommend that book to many others. Though I never went on to read any other books of Ayn Rand until many years later, and I honestly cannot tell you why.

Then when I finally did read Atlas Shrugged all I could say was "Yes, yes, and more yes." I could see the problems that were intentionally exaggerated in the book. I could see why the people speak the way they do.

I've also watched other reactions to the book and very clearly learned that some people's minds are very alien to me. Those people that attack the book as being about "selfishness" as a negative. I believe they went into the book looking for something to attack. When you do that you generally can find something on virtually any topic, or any book. Yet, with a narrow minded goal to attack you often miss the actual message.

Was it about selfishness? Yes. Not in a bad way though. The person protected their interests, pursued their dreams, etc and by doing so they helped a vast amount of people. There needs to be a degree of selfishness in the world and in people, and it is not always bad. The characters in the book Atlas Shrugged were selfish only in continuing to push forward with their creation and ideas. They did not make their idea about accumulating more and more. There is a difference between the type of selfishness in Atlas Shrugged and the word Greed. They are two very different things and the "selfish" characters in the book were not at all greedy. They simply wanted to give life to their creations and insure they could be maintained and lead to even more creations. They were selfish in how they insured they could continue to do this. The word selfish in that sentence though could just as easily be replaced by "smart", "wise", or "realist".

They did not try to pretend reality was a fantasy land. They simply used reason and dealt with facts. Yet they came to head to head with those who fantasize about the world being certain ways without actually using any reason, or facts to back that. They will try to force the world into their fantasy version of reality and anyone that would be against this is a "bad guy". This is really how a lot of people actually view the world. It doesn't work out too well when you operate solely on emotion, and treat speculations as fact.

As I grew older, became a parent, etc eventually my youngest son picked up one of my many copies of Atlas Shrugged at age 10 and read it. I was wondering "But did he comprehend it?" so I grilled him on it a bit. He understood the basics. I don't know if they had sunk in completely, but it may simply be that this son of mine can be pretty apathetic about his surroundings. I believe he understands it, yet I don't know that he has the drive to put those thoughts into practice. He is an adult now. All of my children are adults, and I actually have quite a few grand kids.

Ayn Rand is worthy reading. It should not be approached with the goal to attack it and tear it down. Approach it as a good reading and allow all the pieces to be presented as they were written as setting scenes, defining characters, etc.

I believe one of my favorite quotes is worthy of closing out this lengthy comment:

Thanks for a great overview. Ayn Rand's ideas seem to be much more popular today than they were a decade or two ago. It's interesting to see how ideologues in various spheres like to cite her work for their disparate views on government and policy. I think Rand's robotic rationality only gets us part of the way in understanding and explaining humanity, but certainly we can learn a lot from her ideas.

Nicely put @donkeypong
I couldnt agrer more with the robotic nature of this lense of reality. A moral system established on a binary, whatever it is that I do must benefit myself first and foremost, and if not then it simply shouldnt be done? That leaves a lot up to question, though it bares a striking resemblance to current events and elected members of governments all around the world.


Yes, I agree, very nicely put @donkeypong...Ayn Rand offers good food for thought but her ideas really only go so far. I for one, got annoyed with each of her books I attempted to read back in my 20s, but appreciated that they existed none the less because they (her thinking) initiated so many interesting ideas and conversations and hold an important place in our evolution of thought.

Yes, exactly. It's kind of like those idea posts on Steemit. I don't agree with them all, but I upvote them if they frame a topic well and stimulate discussion.

yes, me too and thanks for your response!

Great presentation - thanks from a Rand fan!

Did not know this about the, "Atlas Shrugs Kid"

heart Rand. Objectivism has great axiomatic principles. :D

I read her Atlas Shrugged in 1999 and it still resonates through me. Thnx for bringing her up in such a nice way..

My life did change reading Fountain Head!

@graywinsler referring to the objective part whether or not one would save a child drowning?

And the Selfishness.

Selfishness exists universally in the world today - take for example all the children starving in many poor countries around the world, yet governments spend billions on weapons and space programs rather than transporting millions of tons of food being wasted to those starving children.

Isn't this NOT saving that drowning child and yet the governments of these developed nations consider themselves to be the guardians of human rights!
And there is another dilemma which is similar to the above predicament.

What would you call a guest who comes into your home, murders you, rapes your wife and daughter and declares himself as your son's father?
This is what has been done over millennia in many countries where people were forcefully converted to the religions of their invaders, robbed of their wealth, culture and made to follow a different way of life - shunning their heritage and everything that they held dear.
The sad part is that the generations spawned from the victims of these atrocities call these invaders their heroes - these villains who invaded their lands, murdered their fathers, their brothers, and raped their women.
How can one save this child from drowning?
So, I agree with Ayn Rand on everything she says.

Thanks @graywinsler!! Good post!!
Atlas Shrugged was an amazing novel, Ayn Rand had keen insight into the political and social climate, and the ability to communicate it.

Great video! The clip at the beginning is particularly brilliant. Bioshock is an amazing game but I agree it has a skewed interpretation of Objectivism. Great game though!

Thought her response to that interview question was so badass and had to make it the intro. And I totally agree. Ken Levine is brilliant.

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