Getting upset over Greta Thunberg, is dumb

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

I intentionally put a comma in the above statement for a reason because I know how sensitive people are about this topic.

This is the latest "triggering"talking point that fills up the Facebook walls of the few people I know that are delusional enough to think that they are helping, or changing anyone's minds. Nope, you're not. You are just making people upset or getting people to say dumb support phrases like "perfectly stated" or "THIS!" in response to.


So Greta gets a bunch of environmentally conscious people worked up at some speeches and this also irritates people that are on the opposite side of the debate and predictably the news stations dedicate hours of programming that i did not watch because i am not insane to evaluating her words from a bunch of different angles and then bring on experts to make their comments etc. I can't believe this is the world we live in now... that news has become this friggin dumb.

the absurd news stories in Anchorman don't seem so absurd anymore... truth is stranger than fiction right now

There are accusations of child abuse and how the left is using children to further their agenda and what not and to all the people that are saying these things here is your answer: Of course the left are using her to further their agenda and the right would do exactly the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.

So, personally, i don't see a problem with it at all. I, like most sane adults, am not going to take my marching orders from a 16 year old, no matter how often they are on TV. If you are the type of person that would take instructions from a child, I would imagine you have bigger problems in life than refusing plastic bags at the supermarket.

The other side of idiocy

People who love her (and her message) get so easily butthurt over anyone poking fun at Greta. When someone went on Twitter and begged the "Internet" to "please don't turn Greta into a meme, she is too important... blah blah blah."

Let me tell you something: the fastest way to get literally anyone turned into a meme is to ask the internet to not do it. Within minutes 9-gag and 4-chan started turning their wheels and within an hour the subreddit thread exploded.

this one had me in tears

This probably says to the people that take global issues entirely too seriously something dumb like "the alt-right has infiltrated this issue" or something something Russian interference. I dunno. Clueless pundits don't understand how the internet works - this stuff is funny and i can assure you the people at 9-gag are, for the most part, not politically motivated at all. They are motivated by laughter.


All of a sudden tired meme formats were getting revitalized and of course throwing in something for the Star Wars nerds is always a bit of fun (don't get worked up nerds, I am one of you.)


This was my favorite part of this entire charade because I don't believe that Greta is going to make any sort of meaningful impact on anything except her own future. She'll start to fade away in a month, perhaps making a re-appearance during next year's U.S. election cycle and then she'll be tossed aside... hopefully make enough money to go to a good college or something.

oh the FB fun places this is going!

Like most of you, i don't really participate in FB that often anymore, but i do still look at it because well, all of my friends are stuck over there. Each day over the past week i would say almost everyone I know who thinks FB is a fun place to spread their political vitriol has posted at least 2 articles / clips about Greta - either for or against.

Mostly when these people post they would get, i dunno, 20 likes and a few meaningless comments but on this topic they get 220 comments most of which were made by a handful of people. I'm sure it's mostly strangers senselessly arguing with one-another in increasingly long replies that nobody reads and neither side changes their mind about even a little bit.

I don't understand people that would spend that much of their day involved in a pointless debate, with someone they do not know, in a conversation that eventually ends up with the words "ad hominem" or "strawman" because they saw that used somewhere else and kind of know what it means. They think it makes them look smart (PS, it doesn't make you look smart - it makes you look like a c__t.) Then "cite your sources" or "that is not a reputable source" happens, a few new strangers jump in and in the end everyone involved feels exactly the way they did at the start and people just wasted 2 days of their lives on nothing.

You could have been outside picking up plastic trash but nooooo, facebook is how you show your activism right?


Watch as it slowly fizzles out in a couple days. The various sides call the other "sheep" but honestly, anyone who would devote days to a heated argument with people they do not know in a forum that is going to change absolutely nothing is an idiot. That's my opinion and i'm sticking to it!

This can't just be my facebook feed... surely it is on all of yours too?


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I love Palpatine. Oh, yes, let the hate flow through you. Only then can you finish your path the dark side of the aisle.

You are probably right. People are are all excited about these types of things until they realize how it would impact their daily lives or doesn't impact their daily lives and then they move along. What, I have to eliminate my carbon emissions? No, every one else should, it doesn't apply to me. Or like you said, the latest celebrity activist just fades into obscurity and we continue on our lives.

I had resolved not to speak about this issue, as I haven't bothered watching or reading any of the speeches myself, but since you have raised it I'll chip in a little.

I agree with you. I see no reason why she should cause so much uproar on both sides of the divide. What's more, those who mock her should know she's still only a child who most likely doesn't understand the full dynamics of how the World works.

Hopefully this is the first and last I comment on this issue

oh, don't worry. I'm definitely not trying to replicate the debate that goes on over on Twitter and FB. I was merely pointing out how extremely absurd i think it is that people are getting all worked up over this. It 's almost like the world needs a certain amount of outrage every week and this is the chosen topic for this week.

Please don't comment on the issue itself because that horse is well and truly dead, but the people's reaction to the issue is what i find particularly newsworthy :) Plus i love memes. If they are creative the person or issue they are built around is not really important... humor is humor :)

This can't just be my facebook feed... surely it is on all of yours too?

I have a couple hundred friends on Facebook but I unfollowed all of them except 5 to 10 of them.. and I follow and unfollow people regularly.

Having said that, I appreciated reading through your ideas and I noticed parts that I agree with.

Keep writing 😊

i would probably do the same thing you did and have a purge, but to be honest, it give me entertainment to see what other people get so worked up over. When i don't get involved (which is always) I no longer feel bad about playing PS4 for 3 hours in a row because i justify it by thinking "That time was much better spent than arguing with strangers on the internet!" :P

Lol, I like the ad hominem thing, I was actually accused by someone of making an ad hominem attack on them yesterday because I disagreed with them. They then went on to accuse me of being gay and a failure. I laughed and laughed and laughed at the irony!

yeah, that term always made me laugh especially when it is written by people that I know for a fact do not talk that way. They definitely saw it written somewhere else and adapted it into their vocabulary...poorly.

That's some pretty great irony there: "Hey you are trying to take away from the discussion with a personal attack on me! Plus you are gay and a failure!" lol

It was quite violators. They didn't mention straw man but it is exactly as you say, it is just something they have heard!

I have to be honest, I haven't seen the footage, or seen any social media stuff because I'm only on steem. So, this is probably the first and last comment I'll make...

...Oh screw it...I just can't be bothered..I've moved on.

Have a great weekend bro.

Posted using Partiko Android

i think that is probably a good way to live. Sometimes I wonder why it is that I look at FB each day, since it is almost always a mish mash of preaching, whining, whinging, and crying.

Oh and we also have the friends who vaguebook and fish for compliments. haha

I don't even watch the news services. It's all rubbish. I got rid of FB for the reasons you listed...Including the last one.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't really have strong feelings about Greta but I find it concerning that so many people are either listening to her or using her. Her opinions aren't really what people should go by when it comes to climate change. It also frustrates me that people that hold her opinions don't bother to consider the unintended consequences of implementing policies that would reduce carbon output that much, that fast.

That is some hilarious memes. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

!giphy laugh

Posted using Partiko Android

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