Sir Oswald Mosley - Britains Greatest Visonary or its most infamous Fascistic Traitor ?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Sir Oswald Mosley was a name as a child that was synamonous with Hitler and his destruction of European Peace and its People. But was he really like Hitler ?

He was to be demonised by everyone and anyone after the war. But why was he so demonised by the political power of the time ?

I have been researching him and his beliefs and it seems to me that his words back then are still more important now to hear than ever before ! Why I have spent some considerable time listening to key films present on Youtube to give you all in this community of free thinkers and speakers and good clear cross section of his ideas !

Indeed he had himself tasted war and its greatest burden of death of good young men and friends as a young man during the First World . This taste motivating him for the rest of his left to fight those who had created this war by their mismanagement or more by deliberate collusion against decency and the greater good of Europeans ? He hated war, the Communists enslavers of free thought and Liberty of self and most of all he hated corporate banking installing itself in government and removing the right to of individuals to be heard through democratic vote !

By his own experience of war, was he not more someone sounding the warning bell to his own people ! Warning them of the threat of globalist manipulation by corportate state bankers infiltration into the very threads of its democracy. One that he clearly believed and saw !! His plan was a Great Europe Revolution, one that would bring all European Nations beneath one government for the better good of All. This we have seen ourselves happen in our lifetimes, but it was not the same model that he was proposing and indeed if it had been his maybe we would not find ourselves facing the great social oand political upheavels prevalent in our modern society of post war Europe !!

He indeed was a visionary and whose words maybe carried more truth than could be pernitted or heard by then government Perhaps their vision and his were not one and the same. As his love of Europe and his vision for its future was not based on profit but more on its people and the potential they had to help the poorer world by their advancement to a greater future than we see today ! You will see that his vision and theirs were most certainly not based on the same principals !! That if we had followed his dictates back then, maybe just maybe all of the misery of this criminally uncontrolled Globalisation may have been averted and the current problems we see rising in Europe today would not be ours to share ??

I invite you all to watch and hear this gentelmens astoundigly clear and well presented truths and maybe understand why he was demonised so back then. As indeed he was standing in the way of their greater plan of Europe, one where it would be handed over to Big Business and the haters of our once proud and beautiful land and culture !!

Sir Oswald Mosley - Globalisation !

Sir Oswald Mosley - The European Mind

Sir Oswald Mosley on the Jewish Commitment to European Wars !

Sir Oswald Mosley - Brother Hood of Europeans !

Sir Oswald Mosley's speech on creating a European Superstate !

Sir Oswald Mosley - The Destiny of Europe

Sir Oswald Mosley - There is Hope !

Comments as ever below in my comment section or come join the community of steamspeak to maybe debate this myself with other active Steemit members by clicking the link below )


Freedom will abandon All that remain silent in the face of Tyranny !


welllll done sir

thankyou very much my well trusted @battleaxe !! ) i gave you my undying luv of what you stand for here in this community ) I am blessed that you of all out there support my posts !! thanks !!

hmm.. I miss your island posts better ;)

Man!! Mosley Mussolini 's best friend!....the funny thing: Mosley was a baronet , man of parliament in the same time the strongest fascist in Britain, how come?

Well i think to say he was Mussolinis best friend is not strictly true !! As before the war these people were all just nationall leaders and so for Mosely who was yes very politcally active may have had some interest to have met him !! But true friends its not so sure, political ally against the rising communistic foe sure !! Do not judge a book by its cover, the uniform and jackboots were a symbol of this time of people who hated cleary the rise of Communism in the East ! They were all, Hitler, Mussolini and Mosley nothing more than the patriotic right wing that feared the rise of the prevalent and corporate backed invader of Comunism which i think we should all remember was talking over the world at that particular time with Mao in China and Stalin in Russia ! It was a time of great debate and heated political thoughts of all sorts !! Mosley was a brilliant orator and I think was correct in many of his ideas, but was painted by the media of the time as being anti semtic, this which he himself as always totally refuted ! I think Moslely was a visionary and could have prevented the second world war from ever happening if he had not been thrown in jail to silence his word and that of many people in Britain at that time that clearly agreed with his vision ! but sure i get your reaction, its difficult i know, but i still find much of his speeches very thought provoking nonetheless ) why this post to the community here ! thankyou for your comment @vertigo

alright then, this reply passed more info to me than usual propaganda ... 'cause most of sources in the internet are just labeling misleading stuff against Mosley!
Now: you're saying that keeping Mosley out of jail, could have prevented WWII from happening, but i think keeping him out might caused a mess, as long the government direction was against fascism and the same time he was a fascist. what am trying to say is that : Mosley's act might have ignited a clash between the government that was busy fighting fascism AND people who support him, which could have been a bad timing, right?

Great writeup!
Keep sharing.

thankyou @qagiri ! So what are your veiws please on this subject ?? I would be most interested to know, if maybe you felt like them sharing them here ?

I also read history, not of Europe​ much. So, anything about history excites me. After reading your article, I also read about his life on Wiki. He also became a ​member of parliament at very young age and was conservative too. Will surely get in touch with you once I read and see more about this :)
Started following you

What a very thought provoking piece. Also a great in depth evaluation of a controversial figure in British politics.

thanks @freedomexists ! ) I hope this post will serve as reminder to this great and true Englishmen ! That it will serve future generations to see why he could have changed the world with his extremely strong and visionay ideas on the possible future for a TRULY unified yet free Europe !! As opposed to this seemingly free society plagued by hypocritical POLITICALLY CORRECT thinking within the LIBERAL State of enslavement and lies !

I learned so interesting things from your post :) thanks

I am glad you feel that you have learned some thing from this my post, truly appreciate that you consistantly support me here, thanks again @road@wisdom )

This post has received a 3.05 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @gomeravibz.

Interesting... I am just listening to his speech. What an interesting man! Good share. Thanks @gomeravibz :)

Yes it is interesting to hear this voice of the past which clearly saw the furure that we find ourselves in !! We need positive change and we do need to be asking many questions if we are to avert the wall to which we might be heading !! am glad you stopped by and and taken the time to listen to this great man !! Steem On @wishmaiden !

Upvoted, Highly rEsteemed and followed.
Thank you and SteemON!


Yes indeed , Whatt a world ! I am so pleased that people here have recieved this information that i have put into this post with an open mind and that they feel and see the bigger picture ! thanks so much for this support @frankbacon !! I love your account name by the way very funny !! steem ON !

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