No Sorry ! White Colonialists Did not Invent Slavery !

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


White People did not Invent Slavery, it was Alive and Well and Practised Widely in Africa for Thousnds of Years before White Men Even set Foot on those White Sanded beaches from Their Ships ! Its a Simple Historic Fact, no Debate possible !

If you do not agree with that which I state at the beginning of my post then you clearly are suffering the effects of not knowing History and I suggest rather than annoy me with this , just go and research White Slavery and the Barbary Coast ! Its a known fact amongst Africans that slavery existed well before the arrival of the white man there in the late 17th Cnetury ! They , my friends of african drum classes, told me themselves that they knew it was true, that it was they that sold their Brothers to the New Client and source of revenue and riches they brought !!

So why indeed then do we still have people and I might add mostly white running around here and there saying that Slaavetry was invented somehow by us, the white coloniolist !! Its just not true and i dsay more very dangerous ! As it totally falsifies History and gives it indeed no need to exist if people talk on things which they know nothing of ! Its called lying and deciept and on this particualr sub ject its extremely dangeorus and needs to stop ! And Now !

Two films by the brilliant" Iconoclast" of Youtube fame ! Here is one that just knows how to say things ! Please watch and learn and if you are white and feel Guilt of your Past, then its fucking time you got to really know about it and stop spreading your self destructive stupidity on others around you ! Enough !

How The British Empire Abolished Slavery | Atlantic Slave Trade | European Slaves

The Iconoclast
Published on 28 Jul 201

The English Flag Is Evil & Racist | BBC THREE | More Anti-British Nonsense

The Iconoclast
Published on 22 Jun 2018


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




Smelting snowflakes in: 3, 2, 1 and they're gone!

Great next do a post on the Irish Niggers. Did people forget that term? where did it come from? The Irish Slaves? I've read there were VAST NUMBERS of Irish slaves in the Americas- mostly in the Caribbean. The English used the Irish women slaves as brood mares with the Black African Slaves. Which is most likely where most of the MIXED BLOOD of White Genetics- into the Black Population of the Caribbean & Americas- probably came from. NOT from WHITE SLAVE OWNERS Rapping the Black Female Slaves. But the WHITE WOMEN Getting Rapped by Blacks.

Blasphemy. Snowflakes will want to burn me at the stake for that one.

Yes the poor Irish were definatrely used as much as blacks ! But i guess the blacks were better suited to the heat of the Carribean ! But like you say nobody seems to mention that the Irish were also used as slaves by the Brtish for builkding the new foundland of America !! Yet everybody seems to agree that if you are a slave then you were black ! Sad really !! "Snowflakes will want to burn me at the stake for that one." its the snowflakes that need to and will burn in Hell ! No Fear @caladium )

The slavery exists since we have historical knowledge, and civilizations practiced from all continents, with people of all races. When the Europeans arrived in America, slavery was present, the same in Africa, and in the beginning there was always a cooperation of some kind with the local populations. I don't take away that the Europeans have done many disasters and actions of dubious morality, but finally, did the Asiatics, Americans and Africans not commit the same or worse mistakes?

The study of history is something complex, and we can't do it by labeling sides as good or bad, and much less we can do it based on moral standards that are only present today.

Yes so we totally agree on that then @vieria ! thanks for your great comment and support on this post !

I laughed when I heard a chinese girl say that chinese people can't be racist because they didn't have slavery. When in fact the chinese bought black slaves from the arabs and the only reason there are no black people in china is because they only accepted slaves that were castrated.

yes @openparadigm you didnt see alot of that recent wave of refugees going into Europe being sent to China, there is no way in Hell that Chinese would allow that ! Just like Japan who also has categorically refused to take any depite pressure from these Leftist Loons here in Europe ! Whats even stranger is that Saudi Arabia and Israel countries who are best suited by geographical position and certainly climate both also refuseed to take any refugees, stating clearly that they would never effectively integrate into their society ! Well no shit, you could have blown me down with a feather eh ?? Meanwhile Suadi Arabia is very happy to send billions of dollars to build the mosques all over Europe ! See anything strange maybe in that anybody ?

Nothing strange about not letting a destabilizing demographic into your country, what I find strange is us westerners allowing this.

Humanity makes perfect human. UniteHumanity. I love the lines "Never underestimate the power of the single human".

hello @karthi66 , yes never underestimate Human ity as a whole,you might not think there is a Unity but there does exist an invisible link of conscience which I think we all feel and at times even see ! Agreed !

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Facts About Slavery
Our Purpose

Gtfo, it's a fact now that slavery was invented by black people?

So who do you think was selling the slaves on the West Coast of Africa to the White Colony holders ships ?

The Leopard Societies(An indigenous social organization)

Oh yes well that is interesting indeed ! I remember the Tarzan film which used this once a theme for one of its stories ! Yes could well be involved in all of this, but then a dead slave is has not much value in market ! But yes totally agree that there are surely dark forces at work in the Darkest of Countries and cultures !

Why? Don't you think they are capable? Being the first people I'm sure they invented many things. - @openparadigm

Clearly it's over your head, but let me put it bluntly again: Gtfo, it's a fact that slavery was invented by black people? So the Macedonians /Ancient Greeks got the idea from black people? Who invented slavery is exactly like saying who invented stealing. Do you get it now?

I got it right from the start and yes the Greeks probably learned everything from the Egyptians (in Africa) like most people in the Mediterranean did at the time.

You'll have to forgive me, I'm fond of literal truths that have no (useful) meaning.

You think stealing is learned and not inherently the other side of the coin from ownership so that if you understand one you inherently know the other? They probably learned that eating shit isn't conducive to overall well being and health because the Egyptian learned it first, how else do you explain them not eating shit?

yeah well should we be surprised that the usual suspects were also heavily implicated in this dark page in all of our history ! They are the destroyers of people and their culture because when doing this they feel their people and culture is preserved ! they are disgsuting and Evil, there can be no doubt of it eh @venomnymous ?

Oh politics...
Also check my post @crypto.update

They sold their brothers because slavery was practiced before Christ,

You make it seem as if white people wandered into Africa and discovered the natives as ready to sell their own, to the white faces surprise, get the fuck out, you and the rest of the bus seem to think that slavery didn't exist before 17th century because that's when you seem to think that the white missionaries lost their innocence at the hands of these savages who introduced them to slavery. Your entire fucking history is written by the constant conquest and the reason pedophiles rule the world is directly related to the ancient plundering and enslaving Greeks who practiced pederasty.

That's white people for you: we didn't invent slavery, o OK, really glad you could get that clarified, least we annoy you with history 2000 years before your references.

"You make it seem as if white people wandered into Africa and discovered the natives as ready to sell their own," well yes @baah that is exactly what i am saying because its true ! When the whites arrived there in the 17th Century Blacks and not whites were already seeling their brothers and for thousands of years !! Do you really want to deny that ?? As for this little gem "That's white people for you ! " what does that mean even @baah ! Your comment is confused and angry but then I was expercting exactly this from some of the more triggered ones in this commnunity !

I assume you agree with my complete thought

You make it seem as if white people wandered into Africa and discovered the natives as ready to sell their own, to the white faces surprise, get the fuck out, you and the rest of the bus seem to think that slavery didn't exist before 17th century because that's when you seem to think that the white missionaries lost their innocence at the hands of these savages who introduced them to slavery.

So you think that white people got the idea of slavery from Africa?

You realize that white people practiced a slavery that has been selling their own, and completely by their creations, read this:

I'm triggered because I told you to get the fuck out because you make it seem as if white people got the idea of slavery from black people, you retarded putz, white people got the idea of slavery from conquering their neighbors whom they enslaved, stealing and-or deleting all their history , it came to no surprise that black people were doing the same thing, but, you want to make it seem as "selling their own". Good one. Get thee fack off, capiche?

That's white people for you: we didn't invent slavery, o OK, really glad you could get that clarified, least we annoy you with history 2000 years before your references.

As for the pearl above, if you need me to clarify it you'll have to be more specific than "what does than even mean".

right @baah you have completely ignored everything that we and I do say we are saying here ! If you want to stay in your self made ghetto of historical factless ignorance ! So be it, I for one cannot help you ! You talk badly and dont give me really the imprrssion there is anything that can change the way your think ! Its pretty sad and So now I will just ignore you for a low life low rep steemian that has not understood anything at all in your life ! So to quote a line from your book ! Go get fucked might do you good , but makje sure before they are willing to do it or that we count round here as rape !

I ignored everything that you said, Lmao.

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