
Technically so is Trump. I just got the latest clip on Adam's new cabinet, I posted it below.

Trump has been pleasantly surprising in a lot of ways, he needs to be watched carefully on gun control though.

"Stand for the flag or get out of the country."

*Drone bombs kids at faster rate than Obama

*National debt rises like a rocket

"Pleasantly surprising"


Just another puppet leader of the largest organized crime syndicate in the world.

Have you calmed down Graham or are you going to down vote me for replying to you?

You know perfectly well why that happened, man.

You were worked up before I even showed up Graham, you wrote ATTN"PRAGAMATISTS FUCKING READ THIS, right?

Not exactly like that, no. But if it is a crime to be “worked up,” do forgive me.

I like it when you are worked up Graham but I can't afford the downvotes to my reputation.

All very true but not unusual, the big difference?...he didn't forget he made the little people promises on the campaign trail and he's on the track of keeping them. There's never going to be a perfect world, I would even surmise that if the world you envision came to fruition, knowing human nature, you'd be less happy about the way things will transpire then you think. Something like that may work on a small scale level but it'll never work as a worldwide solution to man's happiness, man's just to incapable of letting other men be happy.

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