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RE: Christchurch Attack (Like Many Others) Had 'Training Session' Underway, with Special Forces Teams and Armed Police Exercises

in #politics6 years ago

Do you guys remember, was it the London 7/7 attacks? Where a Brazilian guy overhead a conversation in an apartment building right before it happened and was chased and shot dead before he could warn anyone?

Yes, there's always a drill occuring when these things happen. Makes you wonder...

What's scary is how many people are willing to give up their right to bear arms for the illusion of safety.

Posted using Partiko Android


This right to bear arms...

It seems like a loophole for mad people to have access to weapons and commit brutal crimes.

Believe me, I understand. In a perfect world, no one would need to be armed, but we don't live in one.

Innocent people deserve the right to defend themselves and their families from criminals (and an overreaching government) who will always be able to get weapons.

Instead of being sitting ducks...

With 3D printing, they can even make their own, leaving law abiding citizens defenseless.

Our constitution has a 2nd amendment, which gives us the right to bear arms in self-defense.

I'm glad we have that option...

Those that wish to live in a country where the populace is disarmed can live somewhere else.

Posted using Partiko Android

How do we know he overheard something if he ended up dead and not able tos peak about it?


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