
Well yes, obviously , in communism everything was illegal, and they put people in GULAGS for very little.

So people just thought "fuck this, I'm going rogue", after all they had nothing to lose.

So they achieved freedom through disobedience, an act that should not be forgotten, because the thirst for freedom can bring down a tyranny.

But regardless I think one of these banks, I think the IMF, I am not sure, estimates that about 1/3 of the global economy is literally black market.

And in fact we know that this market is only growing which brough out Europe from recession.

It's funny how nobody likes laws and regulations, but somehow we still have them? And the bureaucrats are clamping down on the most vibrant sector of the economy.

Most of this is not even violent, just smugglers and illegal workers, there is nothing immoral in that.

In some countries taxes are just so high that I have heard that 30% of the workforce works illegally.

what happens when 3D printing, the block chain, and bit-money make all of that unnecessary?

I think we should not underestimate them. The government is a very resilient beast, 6000 years old, it has survived many tragedies, and it won't go away that easily.

They will just find a way to regulate that or impose their control on it.

It's true that the power of the government is slowly going away, but I don't think we will live to see that day when it will go away, for all we know it might take 1000 years.

nope..the government is not that fact there is not a "THE" bacteria there are a great many of them.

how long do most guberments live? a hundred years? two hundred..three?
Is the USA the oldest government on earth?

Well then it's like 4-5 years old, an election cycle, but that is not what we are talking about here.

I am talking about "government" as in the form of institution, not a particular government, nor a particular country.

Countries come and go, politicians come and go, but government remains. It was here 6000 years ago, and it's still here, just with different rules, and different people.

So it's something more fundamental to human nature, and unfortunately human evolution is a very long process. A tooth takes like 1 million years to evolve, or something like that.

Now but given that it's only about 6000 years old, and there is really no indication amongst other animals to form such stupid thing, makes me happy, knowing that it won't be around for another 6000 years.

Unfortunately it will be around for our kids and grandkids and their grandkids.... Well it takes time for humans to transition. the sense that you are talking just slightly younger than agriculture.
it's the child of scarcity.
once scarcity is removed..we'll have to find new kind of economy..and government won't be part of it.

Then it will never go away because scarcity will never go away.

A lot of things can be made more accesible with future tech, but not everything.

I don't think it's the scarcity, because once people have their basic needs satisfied, they will just peacefully trade and build stuff, without violence.

I think it's more like the need to dominate, that causes the existence of it.

Like how an alpha wolf beats his cub, it's instinctual, they do form packs and they are violently defending their territory.

The government is like that, or an extension of that with bureaucracy. Once you remove the violence and the need to dominate, it will fall apart like a house of cards.

beyond dunbar's number we become irrational.
after the last ice age..when the glaciers melted.
we needed agriculture to survive.
some folks didn't like to work so hard.
they'd rather steal than plow.
thus was born religon..and the state.
when the basic needs can be produced individually.
neither will be needful..

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