
I'd rather skip that. Besides what would stop the government to just extend their bullshit laws into VR world?

I think tyranny has to be stopped here, in the real world, before it spreads into every single dimension.

good luck with that.
how well have they managed to control porn?

Well they have already imposed many nonsense regulations on porn actors and the industry in general, not the feminists but the government just in general, I am not sure to whom's influence.

I think they started heavily regulating cam-girls, and they are coming after regular porn actors too with big taxes.

a way around the laws will be found...or they will just be ignored..
I happen to agree with you..that's what I would LIKE to happen.
it'll be a cold day in hell before it does.

I think there was a country in Europe I don't remember which one that recently legalized prostitution, but they slapped huge taxes on it. So the poor women now earn even less than if they had to pay tribute to a pimp.

Plus very likely it will still be the pimp that who will run them, it's just that he will be running it via a legal company.

So what happened is basically that the government legalized pimping so the pimps just made their legal company, paying not that high taxes, and definitely the risk of jail went away. But they put huge taxes on the girls, so now they earn even less, and they can't do it illegally anymore since no pimp will risk that.

So basically they totally fucked the girls, no pun, while helping pimps earn money easily.

It should have been the other way around. But this is another problem of "legalization" because when you start throwing taxes around, it might be even worse than being illegal.

So when you hear about "drug legalization" it might have actually worse economic effects than being illegal.

After all 1/3 of all economic activity on the globe is the black market. As they say the black market is the only free market.

It's the black market that got Europe out of the 2009 recession, and destroying the black market actually would destroy the entire economy.

i heard that the 'black market' was the ONLY market in the former soviet onion after the wall came down for a while...the former crooks were in charge..


Well yes, obviously , in communism everything was illegal, and they put people in GULAGS for very little.

So people just thought "fuck this, I'm going rogue", after all they had nothing to lose.

So they achieved freedom through disobedience, an act that should not be forgotten, because the thirst for freedom can bring down a tyranny.

But regardless I think one of these banks, I think the IMF, I am not sure, estimates that about 1/3 of the global economy is literally black market.

And in fact we know that this market is only growing which brough out Europe from recession.

It's funny how nobody likes laws and regulations, but somehow we still have them? And the bureaucrats are clamping down on the most vibrant sector of the economy.

Most of this is not even violent, just smugglers and illegal workers, there is nothing immoral in that.

In some countries taxes are just so high that I have heard that 30% of the workforce works illegally.

what happens when 3D printing, the block chain, and bit-money make all of that unnecessary?

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