Navigating the Politically Correct Madness and Gender Fluidity Insanity...

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

These days the worst thing you can be is a white straight (i.e. heterosexual) male. While people of such leanings are under frequent attack with no repercussions and even support, these same attackers likely can also be found talking about white privilege. I never experienced white privilege until recently. Now I guess white privilege translates to being the only target that it is okay and even preferable to be completely racist towards. In fact, many people have some lunacy that you can't be racist against white people. That must be white privilege then. The privilege to be a target of attack with no repercussions to the attacker. The privilege of being targeted with what would be blatant racism if the target were anything but white. That must be the mythic white privilege that is being pushed.

Well don't fret. The politically correct insanity has offered us a safe way to navigate this madhouse.

Simply refer to yourself as a different descriptor that results in the same outcome.

Straight White Male = Lesbian Female

Refer to yourself as a Lesbian Female. You will technically still have a penis, and you will still like to have sexual relations with females. Yet now you've moved two points along the special treatment chart. You now identify as a female though you have a penis. That is one step. You also identify as a Lesbian which is another step.

There is still a problem. You can still be the target of white privilege claims.

So add another descriptor. Call yourself an Albino Black Lesbian Female. There you go. All solved. In the zombie apocalypse this would be a lot like smearing the blood and entrails of zombies all over yourself so that the zombies don't attack you because they think you are one of them.

White women? Don't worry about this. You are covered too. You can do the same thing and refer to yourself as an Albino Black Gay Man.

I hope this helps some of you escape the crazy inquisition of the day. I mean now perhaps you won't be accused of using hate speech by the people that clearly hate you.

They won't hate you as you use the "logical" course of relabeling yourself. To them facts don't matter. Just labels, and feelings.


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Topics like these are just tiresome. Supertiresome. I

Just thinking about having to discuss these because some people make it necessary makes me feel exhausted levels of tiring.

Tiresome is the perfect word for this topic that is thrown in our faces whether on tv or internet all day and and all night. All anyone has to do is read the headlines of the articles...

I never understood why people even have to treat anyone with anything less than respect. Why some people find it necessary to define what words they think we should use or not use according to their set of values.

I grew up poor, very poor and we worked construction in summers and weekends for my dad for free (since we were each 13) and he was tough. I make it my way to talk and treat everyone the same. We didn't choose our parents, the color of our skin, the economic or educational opportunities we did or didn't get.

My first job while in engineering school was a co-op position at Dow Chemical. It was quite a shock and a new world for me working with 200 PhD scientists. One day I went to lunch at McDonalds with another co-op student. We ordered our food and he left to use the bathroom. When he came out I was having a conversation with the person cleaning and emptying the trash. When my friend came back he asked me: why are you talking to him? I said, because he's a human being just like us. No labels required. No racism discussion required. No telling anyone what they can or can't say...

good writing sir.follow that.keep it up

How to attack the so called patriarchy? Create one of your own and put yourself at the top! Not really progressive thinking there! Same ideology just different so called identities! Not sure why we even still hold on to ideals like identity politics! I thought we’ve moved past civil rights movements and would focus on economic freedom for all as so much weath is centralized in the current system and very little trickle down! To me it’s a waste of energy debating this none issue there’s better things to put your time and energy too!

Yeah I thought the same thing. But around 2010 the victims and the socialist come creeping back in.....Truth is, especially in Western countries, those who play victims have seen exponential growth in opportunity. Then the left got greedy. With govt's and financial systemes readying to collapse this is the easiest way to distract people until the pilfering of what's left of the wealth is complete. Classic distracion techinique. Some still buy the hook, line & sinker....

There are 20 million white people living in poverty in the USA. There are 10 million black people living in poverty in the USA. But apparently there is systemic racism giving us white privilege and white people don't know what it is like to be poor.

Yep, they will take that 10 million black and say it is worse though because like 16% of the population is black, but 10 million of them are in poverty. It doesn't matter to them that there are MORE white people in poverty, because they look at percentages. They focus on special treatment. In reality the racism in the nation tends to come from those that call people racists.

There are also more white people in prison, and more white people killed by police. Yet, they look at the percentages again.

They ignore the percentages such as the higher percentage of blacks killing blacks. That is inconvenient to their narrative so they just ignore that.

The media also doesn't report shootings and such that do not involve a black, because it is not convenient to their narrative. The media also tends to ignore the black on black violence and deaths for the same reason even though those greatly outnumber the ones they do report.

One day the walking dead will open their eye's and wish they were really dead. That or they will die never having lived.

Very clever! I cannot understand how those who claim we need inclusion are exactly the ones shouting hatred at anyone and everyone that doesn't line up with their views. The hate is out of control. Their message is ridiculous. There purpose is to have you believe that all must defend those that can't defend themselves; those they that define . The truth is that they are not inclusive, are disturbed by anyone or anything that doesn't play to their radical beliefs and they are lost to the fact that if the world was actually what they so desperately want it to be, they would still be damaged, hate filled people who need to control other people and find that they need something new to hate and/or control.

Everything is a matter of time. Things will be alright someday

Its insane in reality

Of course not, you can be a white and heterosexual man without receiving complaints from the leftist... if you are from some rare and exotic eastern religion.

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