All news about the election investigation is dumb right now

in #politics4 years ago

I say that it is dumb because it is, once again, completely exposing the unrelenting bias of all of the networks and mass media outlets in existence right now. If you are trying to find a genuinely objective viewpoint on what exactly is going on in the contested states right now you are going to have to dig pretty deep because it is extremely hard to find.


The usual suspects are downplaying the very strange occurrences that were found and are even on tape in various states - going so far as to not talk about the more egregious obvious violations of election law and to only talk about the outlying accusations that people are making and the other "team" is taking a totally different type of look at it presenting the information that they find as if it were completely damning information.

Just look at the graphic above where it says "no major voter fraud." What defines "major?" It's situations like this that make the statistics very easy to manipulate because when you use a generic term like this it means very different things to different people. It isn't a "major deal" for me to accidentally lose $20, but to a fisherman in Venezuela, this could be disastrous. The term doesn't mean anything and these outlets know it.

The people on team red can say "major voter fraud found" and the exact same situation is true. For me, the fact that there is ANY voter fraud is major enough to be newsworthy but we aren't getting news anymore about all of this - we are getting excuses and intentional confusion.


Then we have us, the viewers, who are once again learning nothing about what is actually going on because the information is coming to us through a filter of our choosing and therefore we are not getting the complete story on anything.

I have to admit that i have tuned out to a great deal of it because because of the extreme media bias that exists right now (and seriously folks, if you can't see it now, you are hopeless.) Most of the people I talk to know only the "facts" that align with their political beliefs and it is quite evident where they are getting their information from before they even start going into depth about the topic.

I, for the most part, am sitting this one out because no matter how strongly you feel about this thing, nothing that you do, especially on the internet arguing with strangers on forums is going to change a damn thing about the outcome of this.


Take this one example about the suitcases of ballots coming out in the middle of the night in Georgia: If we had a truly informative media that was at all interested in doing their jobs this would be something that everyone would want to get to the bottom of but instead it is only the news outlets on the right that are talking about it non-stop. The leftist organizations instead focus on other things and I am quite certain that this is intentional. As far as I know they haven't bothered trying to make any excuses for why this happened - because how could they? Instead, they talk about it very little or not at all to keep their viewers in the dark and uninformed about why the people on the red team might be a little upset here.

The media hasn't done their job (or what we perceive their job to be) in quite some time. Someone on the Trump team accused people at, I think it was CNN, of not being journalists but instead being activists and I completely agree with this sentiment. However, that person who said that should have kept going with that statement because it isn't just CNN and WaPo and The NYT that are activists - it is basically everyone and honestly, I feel as though all of them have gone down the road of activism and bias too far to turn back. Team red can't be objective because instead of reporting the news they have to spend all their time working really hard to counter what team blue is saying and vice-versa.

No one is being objective about this and therefore all of us keep getting pushed further and further into our pockets of cognitive dissonance, which is a term that I, and 98% of the rest of the people on the planet not working in psychology never used until a few years ago. I would be willing to bet that most of the people who use that term now don't really know what it means but say it anyway because they have become parrots for whatever their news source of choice is.

The news flat out sucks right now and it doesn't matter which team you are on - you are definitely being lied to.



I always enjoy your posts @dumb-news. And they remind me that information is not always nuanced, objective, or useful. But almost always, it is with purpose. And that purpose may not be in society’s best interests or our own.

It seems that corporate media has devolved into tabloids and smut. But thank goodness for the internet, more objective information is out there if we look for it.

I think the individual is intelligent and objective; and needs to give themselves more credit, and not depend on what others tell them what reality is.

History essentially is the study of the long track of human nature. We haven't really changed in millennia. And one thing that I know, is that most of the time, the individual is more correct than the group when they are working in their own best interest.

You inspired me to write this post. Have a good weekend buddy.

what an awesome response. I'm gonna go and check out your post right now pal!

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