Michigan Wants To Sell Bridges To Pay For Roads
US infrastructure has been seen to be falling apart in many areas and in desperate need of trillions of investment to turn things around. To fix all of the dams, bridges, and roads etc, that are in grave disrepair, it's estimated that it could cost upwards of $4 trillion.
That's a lot of money that could go toward improving many services and venues etc. Meanwhile, the war on terror has allegedly cost the country $6 trillion. That's money that they've spent bombing countries and destroying infrastructure overseas while ignoring the quality of life back at home. A sad set of priorities isn't it?
Now that the roads in Michigan are in such desperate need of a facelift, lawmakers there are considering selling state assets to try and raise the funds.
The move to sell the bridge comes only a few months after lawmakers in the region approved of more than $1 billion in extra spending for the 2019 year to go towards toxic clean-ups and fixing roads etc. At least $114 million was dedicated just to roads but obviously that's not enough. Maybe they need to find someone who knows how to better manage funds?
In the meantime, the bridge isn't the only thing they're thinking about selling, they are also looking to sell other state-owned assets too such as freeway welcome centers and even airports.
Other lawmakers are also considering a fuel tax increase of about 45 cents per gallon to try and raise the funds to fix the roads as well. But what happens when they sell off these bridges and airports, raise then spend those funds, and then other regions fall into similar disrepair, what will they sell then?
Just maybe, force isn't the best way to construct or maintain roads and overall transportation.
What can one do by buying the bridge? Toll it?
or advertise? 😆
Why does the govern-cement feel that it can sell stuff that belongs to us?
If we are honest, the govern-cement is just the care taker of public lands.
They do not own anything.
In fact, truthfully, there is no they.
But, when they were changed into corporations, well, now, corporations can own things and sell those things.
What Michigan is doing is very bad... but that is what happens when you play a game of kicking the can down the road.
Fortunately, we will not care much about bridges in the near future.
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