The Australian Government Finally Does Something Right For Asylum Seekers - Only To Stop Themsleves Being Sued

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Manus polictical prisoners.jpg

Great News. The Australian government has just agreed to a huge payout for Australia's political prisoners being held on Manus Island. 

The amount of international laws and treaties that have been broken by Dutton, the Australian immigration minister, with full backing from his political party, the LNP, are so numerous, it's hard to keep track of them. Countless warnings from the UN, Amnesty etc... even the American government told him to stop. And he has lied and lied and lied. And every time he is busted for his criminal activities, he boo-hoos about "Everyone is picking on me." and tries to blame someone else. How do I know? Because I have been involved in this for years. I have friends on Manus, I have friends who have been there. I have friends who have been denied the right to travel there, to keep check on it, (including politicians, humanitarian workers and medical professionals) with no reason given.  I know about the complaints against Dutton, lodged with The Hague, international criminal court. 

People have died under the LNP's anti-human rights political prisoner scheme.  People have  consistently been  denied access to medical treatment which has resulted in  deaths. Reza Barati was beaten to death by guards.  Female refugees have been raped by guards and been refused access to medical treatment even when a pregnancy resulted. Threatened  with refoulement because  they wouldn't be bullied into an abortion. Children have done drawings of guards with their penises out. These are the children in detention that the government deny are there. They moved the children to a different compound, a family compound and told the media the children were gone. We know this because we were sent photos of the children that were still there. )  

Save The Children workers and doctors were threatened with jail if they reported the abuse. In Australia it is illegal for doctors and counsellors to not report abuse. The horrendousness of criminalising doctors for reporting child abuse (2 year jail sentence) is beyond words, even when compared to  the worst dictators in the world. )  

As humanitarian worker and witness Fay Smith states.

  • The asylum seekers alleged the Commonwealth breached its duty of care by holding them in conditions which did not meet Australian standards and caused them physical and psychological harm. -
  • They also claimed they were falsely imprisoned after PNG's Supreme Court ruled their detention was illegal as it breached the right to personal liberty in the country's constitution. -
  • They also alleged the Commonwealth knew they were likely to suffer and deliberately disregarded their rights and breached international conventions. -
  • The group was also suing security companies G4S and Transfield which were contracted to run the processing centre.
    They alleged the Commonwealth and the centre's operators failed to make sure there was an adequate supply of food, water, shelter, medical treatment, personal hygiene products and security to ensure the asylum seekers were protected from outsiders trying to gain entry or other detainees considered dangerous. -
    Included in the allegations were that:
    Detainees were at times provided with food contaminated by worms, maggots, flies other insects, human hair, teeth or sweat
    Detainees often had to queue for hours to receive meals each day

People have been so psychologically damaged, some have set themselves on fire. Self immolation. The same as Tibetans have done because of what has happened in the violent occupation of their country by  a foreign power.  That is how traumatised these poor political prisoners are. Dutton tried to blame us, the humanitarian workers, the activists, the doctors. He told the media that we told them to do it. Evil evil evil man. How dare he? Try keeping out of hell with that lie on your soul Dutton. 

This is all on top of the base  criminality of illegally imprisoning asylum seekers. 

No-one has claimed asylum "illegally" as their propaganda states. If you pay someone to take you to hospital in their  car with bald tyres, because your life is in danger, because there was no other option, did you arrive at the hospital   illegally and should be denied your right to life saving treatment? The answer is a very clear No! Same with asylum seeking.  No asylum seeker does so "illegally". It is propaganda to even hint that seeking life saving asylum is somehow illegal. This is your very basic international law. And if you believe otherwise, you have been duped. Because the Australian government were kowtowing to multinational corporations, who were paid billions of taxpayers' dollars btw, to wrongfully imprison asylum seekers, and also verified legitimate refugees, to further their agenda in manufacturing consent for war, by creating a false enemy of Middle Eastern and African peoples, so they can send their private militia (NATO) in, to steal countries' natural resources. Haliburton Oil is the largest funder of the American Defense Force.  The official American Defense Force  introduction page actually says that. Why is a multinational oil corporation the largest funder of the American Defense Force?  Good question. This is the basis of it. How do I know all this? I know people in the know. I can't say who.  But I can say having a husband who is an Abandoned Afghan Interpreter, who worked with NATO in Special Forces, fighting against terrorism, has led me to meet some interesting people around the globe, who are privvy to certain actual  facts, not the alternative ones. I will not put these people in danger by naming names. Believe me or not, that's all I can say. 

So if anyone still has  any delusions of the Australian government somehow doing the right thing, in any way,  regarding offshore political prisoners, then the fact that they just agreed to a $70 million payout to Manus detainees (more of your tax dollars wasted on keeping the fear machine turning and  them in power) should sway your thinking.

Read more at the link at the bottom. And see Dutton boohooing in it once again. ) 


The Australian gov shouldn't have to play them a cent.

Yes they should. The asylum seekers shouldn't have been there in the first place. Read my blog. You are misinformed.

I just think that that money could have been better spent on things like a new hospital, new schools or even donated to charity.

You do know the government has been paying Serco $400 000 a year, per asylum seeker, to illegally keep these innocent people as political prisoners right?
Add that up. See how many hospitals could have been built.

Hospitals that the asylum seekers and refugees have a legal right to, but are denied access to, in the effort to force them to be refouled. Which is illegal. A political stunt which has been paid for in innocent human lives.

So your not denying that the money could have been better spent?

Also where are these refugees come from?

Of course! We have been saying for years that the illegal system of keeping political prisoners is wasting billions of dollars of, and defrauding, the Australian taxpayers.
Most of the political prisoners are escaping death, torture and, ironically, political persecution from certain human rights ignoring countries in Africa and the Middle East. I would not like to comment on which ones, as I don't want to vilify any good people from those countries, that would be the pot calling the kettle black, but you can Google it easily enough.

And they don't have to. They have agreed to because they know they are in deep shit over their criminal activities if they don't. Being a bigot doesn't give anyone the right to violate another human's rights, regardless of what you believe.

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