Beyond Reason.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The United Kingdom.


I have not been back to the UK in 5 years or more, and not going back any time soon. Why? because it looks like a madhouse to me.

I speak often to my mom on the phone, some times we talk about the UK, when I point out what I see as insane things going on, she always replies with "it is okay for you, you do not have to live it" & she has a fair point, though it is after all my home country, so I think I have the right to speak about it.

Law and (dis)order.

I watched a video a couple of weeks ago, with the infamous Tommy Robinson in it, where he says he was arrested at a airport, and charged with some sort of hate crime, because he asked a minority Muslim woman working at a reception at the hotel where he was staying, where she came from, she was offended (after he left) and called the police to report him for asking where she came from, to me this is one of those "past insane" things I refereed to above.
So I delved into the laws that lay the foundation for this new insanity. As it seems now, that the law has changed from fact of the act, to "I am offended" you hurt my feelings or looked at me the wrong way, so you must be punished.

(P.S. he said he only asked her because she was good looking.)

The law (is an ass)


In England and Wales the Public Order Act 1986 prohibits, by its Part 3, expressions of racial hatred, which is defined as hatred against a group of persons by reason of the group's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins. Section 18 of the Act says:

A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—

(a) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or

(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.

Offences under Part 3 carry a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment or a fine or both.

Let's see how this applies to asking someone where they come from shall we?

Ramping the law up every so often has got us to the situation where this can happen, a simple question can be used against someone, merely based on the fact - the person listening perceives it as "offensive" even if you were not being offensive.

The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 inserted Section 4A into the Public Order Act 1986. That part prohibits anyone from causing alarm or distress. Section 4A states, in part:
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he—

(a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or

(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,

thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.

(5) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or to both.[7]

I am still failing to see where the law is, that says "personal - perceived - insult"

Bingo (found it)

I had to trawl through countless law guides to get to this, here it is.

Racist and religious crime - the legislation

Parliament has passed specific legislation aimed at outlawing crime where the offender is motivated by hostility or hatred towards the victim's race or religious beliefs (actual or perceived). A table setting out some of the more commonly used legislation is at Annex A. For conduct not covered by the specific offences in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, it may be appropriate to remind the court of its duty to treat evidence of racial or religious hostility as an aggravating factor increasing sentence as provided by section 145 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003.

It is important that prosecutors are aware of the full range of available offences when deciding on the most appropriate charge to prosecute in a particular case.


Out of control.

And there you have it, since 2003 it has been made a crime - away from the "fact" and was changed to "actual or perceived" the only person that decides this then, is the person listening, no matter what the person speaking, is actually trying to say.

I genuinely am very glad I got out of there, and feel sorry for the people that have to stay behind, it is much calmer here in the East. Looking back at the UK now, I can safely say I am never going back, unless forced to.

Have a fantastic weekend. Drops mic......... out.

Written by me.
Images free to use from

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates


People are like bamboo, they will bend and bend and bend but finally they will snap, and when they do shit is going to fly everywhere.

You know something though my friend, I think the UK is past snapping point, and still nothing has happened, it is such a shame.

The UK is turning into more of a shit hole by the day. The youth look & act like zombies, with more and more getting addicted to gambling & wasting their lives away while everyone else's time is consumed with surviving with less as things cost more. Litter everywhere, kids not interacting in real life but only online, no respect or interest in anything apart from phones & stuff. My kids are 6 & 8 & I really worry for thier future. I live in the south west so am luckier than most. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a tower block in an inner city somewhere.

If I could move to Poland or Paraguay I would.

It is lovely here in Poland, the young still respect the old, there is very little litter, sure it is not perfect here, but it is 100x better than the UK, even the police are friendly and polite, as I found out tonight, and the weather is excellent in the spring/summer, plus nobody is forcing them to have a million undocumented "scroungers" that have 4 wives and 50 kids. :-)

that is just sad :(

I'm stuck here, I can't imagine the missus wanting to leave, no matter how bad it gets (tho it's mighty bad right now).

No choice but to buckle down and bug-in; for however long that will work.

Glad you've managed to break away from the United King-Dong deliberator ;)

I prefer to call it the united condom of rain, and if ever you need a break from it, pop over for a visit bro, I will gladly show you around.

That's mighty kind of you buddy, thanks :)

I have been following what is going on in Germany, and it is not any better there. Or in Sweden. It looks like the whole world is turning into a madhouse.

Yes Sweden is now the rape capital of the EU , and Germany is turning bad also, Poland (where I am now) seems to be one of the few sane countries, along with Hungary and the Czech republic.

Well said, as soon as I have the ability to leave, I will.

Looks like we are running out of places to go quickly. The madness appears to be world wide. Paraguay seems to be one of the few countries which are not infected yet...

I am in the most RED PILL country in the world it seems, Poland, and all is well here, I even just got stopped by the police while driving, and they were super pleasant and friendly, a simple breath test for booze, a look at my driving licence and I was on my way again.

Lucky you! It appears as if even the politicians in Poland have some sort of common sense and are actually working FOR the people. Rare...

Very rare, and no luck involved, I spent time in Spain, Malta, Tenerife, Thailand and other places before deciding on here, I have a 6 year old daughter, and want her to grow up safely you see.

Smart move! One question...are they spraying chemtrails in Poland? In case you don't believe in them, do you see some unusual cloud formations?

Am sorry of what happened, I felt that your view has an essence to it! You can’t just judge somebody by asking questions where her or his origin is from??? What if you just wants to know which specific place she or he came from? The key is, your question is not ‘malicious’, they should draw a line which is malicious and which is a real question? This is absurd! That’s the problem, now, there’s no black and white anymore! There is ‘grey’ to justify the ‘wrong’! Thanks for the share! We should be very careful what to say in this era! ! Come and join us at #steemschool at:, see you there!

Thanks for stopping by, and your thoughts are spot on, except the part "we should be very careful what we say" as I think it is more the time to say what we want instead. I will pop in discord for a chat later, thank you for the invite.

@deliberator Hello from the Madhouse... Totally agree with what you're saying I'm in the North East of the UK and the madness that I see going on is worrying. Like a few other commenters if i could id leave this island in a heart beat. Thanks for posting 👍

No problem my friend, if you want to get out just do it, I can even help if you head this way, Spain is nice also, just a bit dead in the day, we are all in it together, and I ain't "I am alright jack" so feel free to keep in-touch, and any advice you need I will if I can advise.

Welcome to the police state, where thought crimes are punished, and you are prosecuted/persecuted on the basis of your supposed motivations and intentions. Now we are characters in the dystopian novels of our youth.

1984 anyone? George Orwells book was not a guide, it was a novel, try telling that to the faceless morons in suits, people vote in, to tax them and lie to them, never a straight answer form a politician is there?.

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