What are "THEY" doing to our skies?

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

I do not even know who the mystical - mythical "THEY" are.

One thing I do know though, at 51 years old, is that the sky never used to look like it does now.
I know this is a very unpopular subject, and will probably bring me zero views or comments, like it does on other so called social media sites. All the same here goes.

Odd cloud formations like this are now the norm, I took these 2 months ago.


This straight line cloud went on for 100's of miles.


The most worrying thing for me is the aeroplane trails, they turn the sky from beautiful blue, to a dull haze of white. What is in that trail that lasts for hours?.
I have a young daughter, whose life is more precious to me than my own, looking at the poisoning from above, I have to wonder if I did the right thing in bringing another child into this madness of crapitalism greed. Low food quality GMO'S, poison from the sky, endless plastic in the oceans. A nuclear plant leaking into the sea in Japan, as nobody wants to clean up the mess they made.
One bonus to living in Poland now though, is I do not have to get my daughter pumped full with endless vaccines.

I have orchards of apple trees, that now yield next to nothing year on year, with apples rotting before even getting ripe, this never used to happen. The old people that lived here before me, relied on those orchards for income. Lucky for them they are not here any more.

I have spent hours online researching what could be going on in the sky, though with all the misdirection and subterfuge it is hard to distinguish fiction from fact.

If you came to read this to get answers you came to the wrong place. I can give facts that this never was like this before, and the ground used to grow good plants and apples now does not. You may have more answers than me, on what the mad men are doing to the sky. the comment section is open. Take a seat, take the weight off them feet, and feel free to talk to me.

Peace love and respect.



Interesting. So is this what you have in Poland or do you see something like the picture I am posting as well regularly?

We get the odd one or two, nothing that extreme though, in the UK we used to get skies like that though.

Well, this would suggest that it is not a global thing, that some countries have the power to resist the agenda. Do you have any clue how the situation in Russia is? I saw some pictures which suggest they spray there as well, however, they are already a few years old...

I can't speak for Russia, I can for the Ukraine and Belarus though, as they are only 70 km away, and they are not getting it, and every time I go to Germany, they are not getting that much either nor was Spain.

Very interesting! Thanks, my friend!

Check out this link- http://truedemocracyparty.net/2011/11/chemtrails-fact-government-report/

I suggest getting your soil tested. I'd lay money there's a decent amount of aluminum in it. That'll leach out the nutrients fast.

Peace and Love to All

I put this link out since the US govt has bought its way into virtually every govt around the world to some extent or another including Poland. Peace

Chem trails man, they are out to get us. Weed out the weak and kill the strong

So here’s the thing.

By all accounts you seem smart...very smart.

You seem to have an abundance of love, and empathy, and goodness.

I get the impression, from the way you speak so lovingly about your daughter, and your care for the Earth and your concern over your beautiful orchard, that you are a very good man.

All of this is exactly what the world needs, and exactly the qualities that are necessary to bring the world to a place of peace, without coercion, and without the degradations of the State.

When you focus on an issue like chemtrails, as you said, you’ll get very little traction. I happen to firmly believe that it’s a non-issue and that these are not harmful or part of any plot to harm us. I fall into the “they are just contrails that interact with the atmosphere differently in different weather, light, and air conditions,” camp.

But even if I’m somehow wrong on that (and I’m certain I’m not) there are horrible things the State and it’s corporate cronies do which are provably true and are provably more immediately harmful than any of the supposed harms that alleged chemtrails cause.

Things that the State does like promoting wars justified as “fighting people who hate freedom” or giving money to companies that are openly destroying our lives and making us sick (Big Oil, Big Agriculture, Big Pharma).

If you focused all of your intelligence, your writing skills, your love, and your empathy towards those problems, the positive impact you would have on the world would be exponentially larger than any you could have writing about topics like chemtrails.

You and I may disagree on many things (I’m inexorably pacifistic and couldn’t disagree more with the message of your tag about violence against politicians) but we appear to agree on the fundamentals of the importance of freedom.

So I would beg you to use these qualities you are blessed to have and which I’m sure you’ve worked hard to cultivate, to disseminate information and education about the provably, unquestionably true horrors caused by the State, so that the world can immediately and profoundly benefit from your voice!

Thank you my friend, I removed the tag, though as Billy Connely said, anyone that wants to be a politician, should immediately be banned from being one for life. :-)
I will continue the passive anarchistic fight. Stay well my friend. And thanks for stopping by.

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