
About half of it so far, keep getting distracted mate.

Hopefully, you will see is that we don't have an issue with their freedom to protest.
We have an issue with the protest itself. The reason is false.
Also, as private employees, they can be fired for doing it and it wouldn't violate their freedoms.

I dont think you know what the word Freedom means mate, im sorry but when you only have the right to do as you are told or get shot, you have zero freedom, over here if a uniform terrorist masquerading as a police constable wants to talk to me, i am not obligated to converse with it and i can tell it to fuck off and walk away, currently without getting shot. Yet you guys have been brainwashed into respecting symbols using stories, a flag is a flag it is no different from a company logo, like a national anthem is no different than a companies jingle.
UK USA even china, are all companies who do not employ us the average joe, if you check on dunn and bradsreet or even companies house, all these countries are listed as "for profit organizations" that profit is extorted from the common man who has nothing to do with them, even those who do not vote or partake at all, governance comes from the individual, yet guberments are becoming the new slave owners and the countries are becoming the plantations. And this has only become relity because they have been allowed to print money on the back of nothing, and then say "here have some money (welfare / benefits) but live by our rules..." This needs to change, guberment need to go, as does money, but the latter is going to take some painful transitioning that needs to happen now, other wise it will be harder for the next generations to deal with :s

I'm not sure how your rant has anything to do with a communist pretending that the national anthem was about glorifying blacks being killed.

I'm not sure how you believe you are free, but hey ho if you want to worship a piece of cloth or a silly song thats your choice mate ;) I'm not much different in that respect as i respect "god save the queen" simply because the alternative is the slavery you guys live under :(

Again, you are missing the point.

And am I as free as back in 1780? No, I am not. Our freedom has been eroded for the last 100 years. Am I freer than people living under the Queen? Yes, most definitely.

LMFAO how the hell do you work that out, you are free to do as you are told or get shot, i have the true freedom of having the ability to tell a copper to fuck off without getting shot living under the queen... Case and point over the brainwashing. If you were still under the queen you wouldn't be forced to pay taxes, if you lived under the queen you wouldn't have to respect the terrorist masquerading as the police LOL you may want to come and spend some time in england under the law of the land mate, your opinion would change massively ;)

So, you are brainwashed to think that our police are terrorizing the country?
You don't pay taxes?
Can you buy a gun to protect yourself? I don't mean a bird shotgun for hunting.

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