Steve Bannon Called Trump "11-Year-Old Child"

in #politics7 years ago

This rift between Trump and Bannon is just fantastic, isn't it? I'm going to pick up Michael Wolff's new book, released at midnight last night (already sold out on Amazon) which apparently includes WAY MORE detail about the underpinnings of this. 2018 is getting off to a fast start!


Bannon will pay for his treason!

LOL. So Bannon committed treason by claiming that Trump's son committed treason. Now let's break this down logically. If Bannon wasn't telling the truth, then it wasn't treason, because Trump Jr. has nothing to worry about. But if Bannon was telling the truth about Trump Jr. committing treason, then Bannon has essentially whistle-blown, and thus didn't commit treason. In other-words, either way, Bannon didn't commit treason. What Bannon did do was a betrayal of his loyalty oath to Trump, which is pretty darn funny.

Supposedly it went on sale early and the book is sold out in many locations! I'm going to head to the closest Barnes and Noble over lunch and I'll see if I can snag a copy. Otherwise, I'll be getting the audio book.

I’ve got my popcorn ready 😀 I want to read Wolff’s Book too.

The book seems sort of tabloid-like but endless fascinating

More like stupefying. As in it will make you stupid just looking at it.

This is like the hindenburg, except with fierier colours; because these people are bright orange and red. They're also harder to look at. And filled with hot, explosive gas. And covered in chemicals...

Damn that was way deeper an analogy than I meant it to be.

Also they're German. And went down in New York. And are driving the media crazy. And getting people killed.

Oh the humanity.

Edit: the Hindenburg went down in Jersey, nvm.

So much going on in the Trump administration. I had heard that Bannon had serious differences with Ivanka and Jared Kushner.

I would not at all be surprised by that

Sean Spicer appeared on Good Morning, America today and actually confirmed that some of the stories in the book are true (he wouldn't elaborate on which ones). It's fascinating that the people stepping forward to defend Trump are actually doing the opposite. Incidentally, Spicer also confirmed the rumors that he took copious notes of conversations and events in a number of notebooks over the last several months.

Spicer refused to say whether these notebooks have been turned over to the FBI as part of the Mueller investigation. But since he had the opportunity to deny that when questioned, and since he instead evaded the question and tried to change the subject, I think it's safe to conclude that Mueller has them.

for all we know, this book is a direct result of the plan the Mueller team has decided to go with to UNWIND the damage of the Trump administration. It starts with the whistle-blowing from the inside.

I'm not seeing that one, Chuck. Wolff was permitted entry into the Trump campaign and the White House far earlier in time before anyone had even heard of the Russian cyber-propaganda attack on our election, or the Steele dossier, or Comey's firing. Mueller wasn't appointed until far later.

Also, Wolff was buddies with Bannon, Ailes, and Murdock. People on the Trump team assumed that he was there to put a positive spin on things. But in classic Trumpian style, no one took the time to vet him and probe his intentions.

Well, couple this book release with the revelation from Sen Dianne Feinstein, and the timing looks like more than coincidence. Just sayin'.

That is absolutely right. Trump like a child. A child is usually fighting with other child

Everyone that knows me, knows I'm not a trump fan, but I think it would be wise to take this "revelations" with a grain of salt. Wolff's book could have some hyper inflated "truths" for the sake of selling more copies.

I was just listening to NPR where they straight out asked him, why he doesn't just publish the audio tapes of him talking to some of the individuals he says he spoke to, I'm talking of course about the conversations that are supposed to be part of this book, his response was "Well, they might not have known I was interviewing them" I think this is a red flag we should be aware of.

We are left with two possibilities:

  1. Everything is true, but he collected all the information unethically

  2. Most of it is a lie, and he is trying to get himself a big cash cow.

Granted, I'm no Nostradamus, but I'm inclining to (1), with a healthy sprinkle of hyped interpretations.

The book is out today, ahead of schedule, I intend to order myself one, and make up my mind.

As is being correctly pointed out, you don't need this book to see what is going on here. The Trump administration is very dysfunctional. When you have spokespersons saying that Trump is a Genius, and that Trump walks on water, and that Trump is the best, blah blah blah, that is when you know this is all B.S. The real world doesn't kiss ass this much, or hero worship this much. Also, when Trump himself is saying that he is a genius, that is an ego unchecked. That is someone, who's internal voice is stuck in a void, with no feedback from the outside reality. That is someone in a serious delusion.

I actually know a number of people with IQs over 150. It's a common trait in my industry. They meet the technical definition of genius. But not one of them would come out and say things like "I'm a stable genius" or "I'm like really smart," as Trump does. Truly intelligent people prefer to let their work, actions, and behaviors serve as quiet evidence of intellect, because it is much more gratifying to let others come to those conclusions themselves.

Yes, but I tend to admire people even more if they are humble and those that are struggling to correct themselves and who admit they are flawed. Some think this is a sign of weakness. Its not. It is a strength to adapt and to improve and to always try to put things right, no matter the cost. Trump is still doing the presidential job interview, and he's trying to get credit for everything because he has anxiety that people will see him for what he is, a con artist.

Trump fan here. I like your style keep making up your own decisions. You get an upvote

We may as well film 6 year olds on a playground and call that news... we'd learn just as much about the state of the world.

Good post, thank you for sharing

Stop me if you've heard this one:

I was watching a documentary about Mussolini, and apparently his ascent to power involved a strategem where he'd say something outrageously offensive, and improbable with no hint of truth, and before anyone could nail him down he'd say something even more offensive and absurd.

This kept going for years.

I'm glad to see people are just as dumb today.

Mussolini was a friend of nazzi, so, it's already two big differences, anyhow

You seem smart maybe you should try making america great again.

We can make America Great Again by not allowing corruption in governement, or the leaders to profit while in a position of power. That goes for congress and sentate trading using insde information. That goes for presidents who fail to divest from their investments while taking office. Further, America Great means clean rivers, not polluted by faulty piplines that spill oil. It means NOT drilling off the coasts, so that our beaches are pristine. It means NOT fouling Alaska. It means NOT enriching those who contributed to your compaign, and disenfranchising and dividing the nation. Being a great America means NOT being racist or sexist or criminal. So yeah, we will make America Great when we bring Trump to justice for three major crimes: money laundering, obstruction of justice, and colluding with a foreign government to undermine the US elections. Only when we have justice will America be great.

I would like to agree with you but unfortunately i would rather have trump as the president because hillary would be president otherwise. She was definately currupt. The clinton foundation made its money from being in a position of power. Hillary would still be invested in the clinton foundation after taking office like bill. Clean rivers and pristine oceans? Sorry but unless you plan on convincing everyone to go back to the stone age and require nothing at all to surivive that will never happen. Modern living requires lots of polution you can get pristine out of your head... you cant even buy a hamburger that looks halfway close to the picture when the guy does only that for 8 hours a day and your talking about like 10,000 miles of prestine coastline lol. Trump spent 10x less on his campaign than hillary did on hers so i guess we as citizens only have to bare the brunt of 10x less enrichment for those people while i save an aditional 2000 in taxes next year not counting the 6 trillion dollars added to the economy in his first year in. Hillary made fun of bills victims and deleted thousands of emails and recently burned the house down where they were found. America will be great again when people like you open your eyes and watch hillary go to jail for her pay to play clinton foundation favors her obstruction in justice for purposely destroying subpoenaed documents and colluding with russia to sell 20 percent of our great nations uranium to the russians our number one nuclear adversary who is also most probably selling our own uranium to north korea furthur threatening our prestine oceans and coastline. Everyrhing you want is litterally better with trump hillary was under fbi investigation during the election and now shes under 3. Let the alarm bells start ringing in your head open your eyes and make America great again.

If Clinton had won, and was continuing corrupt policies, I assure you, I would be complaining about her as well. Don't argue that the lesser of two evils is better. It's not. Evil is evil. Clean rivers and beachers are possible. If you don't drill oil off the coast, you have clean beaches. If you don't drill oil in Alaska, Alaska remains untouched, unspoiled. If you don't build STUPID pipelines under our major US rivers, than our rivers won't be polluted by the spills that keep occuring. The problem is the economic models for these projects doesn't include the COSTS to our other important assets such as American Rivers and the water table below. The bread basket of America has a gigantic aquifer below. If we ruin this water, that is it. Game over for the United States. We could go from being a major food exporter to having to import food, and our economy would tank. We will not be able to grow our own food. The farmers are already facing difficult economics, but you ruin that water, and they are done. Trump just signed these pipelines projects without realizing how stupid they are. The older Keystone breaks just a few months later. Doh! The costs for that are now HUGE and will be pushed on to American Tax payers. Meanwhile, you think you are getting $2000 in tax savings, but you may not be aware that the dollar dropped 10% in value in 2017. If you have more than $20,000 in the bank, you lost 10% of that. Plus you are experiencing inflation now, with gas prices going up, food going up, everything go up, and yes the stock market going up, as the dollar sinks. China just threatend to NOT buy any more US treasuries. The tax cut is paid for by having the US borrow the money from someone and adding it to the national debt. That someone WON'T be China any longer, and other nations will probably follow. Your talking about the uranium deal. These Russian owners of Uranium One cannot sell the Uranium to anyone but the USA. And, the uranium prices have significantly dropped since that Uranium One purches. So these Russian owners are loosing on the deal. Meanwhile, we in the USA don't want nuke power plants and there are no new plants coming on line. After Fukushima, everyone realizes that nuke plants are NOT something you want to be living near. Realestate near them is horrible. To summarize: No Hillary ... No Trump. Is that too much to ask? End all corruption, and especially the corruption happening with those in power NOW.

Also, the bond market is about to tip over -- unless the fed starts buying our own bonds by printing more money -- further excacerbating the economic hardship that will follow.

Far from it, unfortunately! ;)

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