
No, as that can create other problems, unless if Pence becomes too much like McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. If Pence is doing what Americans want Pence to do as a vice president, then that is good. But that is of course a debate. If Pence is helping Soros and others too much, too often, then people need to expose Pence as much as possible so we can tell Trump that Pence is helping Globalism too much. Trump has helped globalism by endorsing 5G and that is a problem as well. We got to find ways to tell Trump what we want from him as much as possible. When Trump does what we don't like, we have to make videos about it. We have to talk about it. Trump should talk about Big Pharma, geoengineering, etc. Trump should promote Steemit, cryptocurrencies, Bit Torrent, P2P, homeschooling, off-grid farming, solar power, etc. I don't know how bad Pence is. I don't know enough about Pence to really know.


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He wont listen. He is just another sell out. Probably was a zioshill plant.

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Are you saying Pence won't listen, or Trump, or who?

Trump wont listen. He did and said what was necessary to get elected.

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Yes hell yes. I still wont make the same mistake twice and vote for the Zionist but still. Maybe there would be less war. Who cares what possible political problems will be created. Most of the real alternative media that got him elected will not be backing him anyway. Republic Broadcasting Network

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lol, what are you talking about?

Thank you for summing it up in such a short phrase. Idiocracy would be it in one word.

I am talking about real news, puppet government, preparation for what is to come. It doesnt matter who votes but who counts the votes. I'm talking about our Zionist in chief. I'm talking about anti BDS legislation being the first bill of the new Congress. I'm talking about those who believe they are free are the easiest to enslave. Where is your substance?

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