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RE: Trolls push for censorship of my reports on Steemit

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The twenty videos at the link above provide extensive evidence that the Ukrainian military incorporates the Azov Nazi battalion. The in Canada and Max Blumenthal have a recent article up on the subject. Link here:

Excerpt: The US is Arming and Assisting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, While Congress Debates Prohibition

Known as a bastion of neo-Nazism, the Azov Battalion has received teams of American military advisors and high powered US-made weapons

By Max Blumenthal

Left: Members of the Azov Battalion offer a sig heil salute. Right: US military advisors meet with Azov commanders in the field in November, 2017.

Last November, an American military inspection team visited the Azov Battalion on the front lines of the Ukrainian civil war to discuss logistics and deepening cooperation. Images of the encounter showed American army officers poring over maps with their Ukrainian counterparts, palling around and ignoring the Nazi-inspired Wolfangel patches emblazoned on their sleeves.

Azov is a militia that has been incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, and is considered one of the most effective units in the field against pro-Russian separatists. But it also widely known as a bastion of neo-Nazism within the ranks of the Ukrainian military that has been criticized by international human rights groups, tied to an international fascist network and even a major terror plot.

More at link above....


It's interesting how badly the Azov militia got their asses kicked by the Donetsk army...

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