As Attacks on Trump Rise His Supporters Dig In, but Why?

in #politics6 years ago

...because he continues to put his supporters first by fulfilling his campaign promises. Ask any supporter if they don't cringe at some of his Tweets, many said he went too far saying that John McCain wasn't a hero. John clearly got him back with a couple bill killer votes. I think McCain put revenge ahead of his constituency, maybe not. The guttural vulgarity of the left will not win them the support they need to make gains in November and it will make his supporters come out in droves. I know it has motivated me to support one of the opponents of one of Michigan's two Democrat senators that is up for re-election this cycle. I hope the wild-eyed screeching fools continue the obscene rant all the way to 2020.


I'm not so sure that John McCain was a hero.
I've read quit a bit about him that makes me wonder and the way that he's been acting for...a LOT of years pretty much proves that he's a RINO.

John McCain should have retired a long time ago.

Regarding Trump. Deeds, not words. What has he done?

That was a rhetorical question. He's done a LOT that I approve of.

When John refused to leave his prison mates in North Vietnam when the communists learned his dad was a navy admiral is what made him a "hero" in most peoples minds. If you take away that piece of his history, in my opinion, all you have left is a bitter, vengeful man.

I didn't hear that part.
The part I heard was from some of his prison mates.
It wasn't pretty.

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