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RE: Biff Tannen for President.... Yikes! What Would REALLY Make America Great

in #politics8 years ago

Trump's "greatness" seems to be the greatness of a bully. I don't want to be part of an America that the world fears. I want an America that the world loves and respects because of our neighborliness and lack of walls.

It's interesting to see the opinion of a non-American. Hopefully Trump is the laughing stock, not us ordinary citizens who are appalled at the bully.
Anyway, I have a feeling Trump paid a bit to buy his way to the nomination. In which case, I look forward to the scandal when his fraud is found out.


From the outside, I've always seen America's success as something that stemmed from it's openness to the global community and its cooperative effort in its attempt to lend its hand in different affairs. While that's very divisive, as some groups consider that as the US sticking their nose in someone else's business, I've never seen it that way. It'd be interesting to see what would happen if it altogether takes on the opposite identity.

Trump's indeed been portrayed as a laughing stock, but in light of Hillary's recent scandal, she's not faring much better these days. It remains to be seen how all of this pans out. Hopefully, there's a silver lining to all this.

Maybe a third party nominee will succeed for once. We can only hope...

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