Biff Tannen for President.... Yikes! What Would REALLY Make America Great

in #politics8 years ago


Yes, it's true: According to Bob Gale (writer of Back to the Future II), the alternate Biff Tannen was based on billionaire Donald Trump.

As a refresher, in the second movie of the series, Marty McFly travels to October 21, 2015 from his native 1985 in order to prevent his son from being bullied into committing a crime that would ultimately ruin his life. While in the future, Marty picks up a sports almanac covering the 1950s to 2000. Future Biff Tannen, an old and bitter man, takes the almanac, steals the Delorean time machine... then gives the almanac to his 1955 self. Needless to say, the bully Biff from 1955 becomes the "luckiest man alive" as he gains his billions in gambling. This changes the real 1985 to a hellish nightmare with Biff in charge. Hill Valley California becomes Hell Valley.

I see a similar hellish nightmare should another billionaire take the White House.

Make America Great Again!
What does that even mean?
Does Donald Trump want the greatness that dumped a bomb on innocents in Japan?
Is racism and intolerance somehow great?

Trump is a billionaire who lies about how many billions he has: He says $10 billion, Forbes says $4 billion. He changes political party every few years. When people protest his racist speeches, he says he wants to punch the protesters! He has learned that he can have and do anything he wants because he has a billion dollar cushion under him.

Seriously, is this the kind of president we want?

Imagine a neighborhood with houses and yards. For the sake of the illustration, let's say these are single family homes. Let's say the only fences are to keep the dogs in back yards, or to lift up the grape vines. The neighbors, of all different nationalities and religions, share recipes and deliver bread and cookies to each other. Children play together in the evenings after school on the neighborhood trampoline, and moms watch each others' kids whenever it's needed. It's a friendly, peaceful place.

Yup, that's pretty much my neighborhood.
Sure, the families in my neighborhood have issues, that is part of living in this world. But these issues don't include building up big walls and insulting anyone who's different.

Now let's describe the neighborhood Trump wants:
There are high walls between the houses.
If one of the neighbors has a cousin who may have committed a crime, then he bans that neighbor forever from entering his property, then he demands the neighbor builds his wall twice as high, just in case he ever lets his dog into Trump's yard.

What a way to foster resentment! No wonder the world looks at America with disdain!

On March 3, 2016, Mitt Romney, former presidential candidate, has this to say about Trump: [His] promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University."

Mr. Romney continued, “I wanted my grandkids to see that I simply couldn’t ignore what Mr. Trump was saying and doing, which revealed a character and temperament unfit for the leader of the free world.”
(see the article from wikipedia here:,_2016#Mitt_Romney)

If we want America to be great, how about we pull down all walls and let people live wherever they like the climate? Anywhere they agree to obey the law and live as a productive member of society?
Let's let other countries alone.

In the old days, America was supposed to be a place for people to come to live and believe as they wish, where individual voices counted. Now it's the might of the oil companies, fear mongering of billionaires.

Love is always a good answer and will produce superior results.

You Steemians come from all over the world. How do YOU want to see America be great again? What would help you respect this great land?


I laughed so hard at evil Biff Trump here that I can't formulate any sort of response. My advice to Americans is to run away as far and as fast as we can if either of Trump or Hilary win the presidency.

Who would you like to see as president?

What do you think America can do to be respected in the world again?

Simply Great Information and Presentation

Thanks! Hopefully America will survive this next election!

I'm not an American, and I haven't been paying that much attention to the latest presidential race, but I get the news regarding this through satire like Colbert and other late night shows. It's been very entertaining viewing it from the outside, but I couldn't imagine how Americans feel. Their future and their children's future hangs in the balance of who comes out on top as probably one of the most controversial race in recent memory. That's certainly not a good thing.

As a fan of Back to the Future, the dystopian future analogy seems very much apt. I didn't know President Biff was based on Trump! It looks truly bleak, but I guess people can take the power back if civil unrest ensues. I'm a supporter of all the countries in the world improving together, so I really hope that the US makes the right decision regarding this.

Since Trump's slogan is "Make America Great Again", I couldn't help but argue that "greatness" is subjective. What's great for him might not be the same definition of greatness by majority of the American people. This should really be taken into account. Since this is tagged under the #payitforward initiative, allow me to mine from my archives a relevant post where I discussed whether we should strive to be great or strive to be the best: Of Being Great and Being the Best. I can't edit it anymore since it's past its payout, but consider it under #payitforward . Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter.

Trump's "greatness" seems to be the greatness of a bully. I don't want to be part of an America that the world fears. I want an America that the world loves and respects because of our neighborliness and lack of walls.

It's interesting to see the opinion of a non-American. Hopefully Trump is the laughing stock, not us ordinary citizens who are appalled at the bully.
Anyway, I have a feeling Trump paid a bit to buy his way to the nomination. In which case, I look forward to the scandal when his fraud is found out.

From the outside, I've always seen America's success as something that stemmed from it's openness to the global community and its cooperative effort in its attempt to lend its hand in different affairs. While that's very divisive, as some groups consider that as the US sticking their nose in someone else's business, I've never seen it that way. It'd be interesting to see what would happen if it altogether takes on the opposite identity.

Trump's indeed been portrayed as a laughing stock, but in light of Hillary's recent scandal, she's not faring much better these days. It remains to be seen how all of this pans out. Hopefully, there's a silver lining to all this.

Maybe a third party nominee will succeed for once. We can only hope...

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