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RE: The Whistleblowers (Series): #9 - POWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members.

in #politics7 years ago

Sad what this country has become, what's worse is most people won't believe it.


I have learned that beliefs only get in the way of true understanding. While we cannot decide the outcome of everyone else's decision making, we can at least do our own very best to optimise and balance our own state of being and in that way we stand the best chance of 'being the change' that is needed. Thanks for your comment. <3

The truth hurts but it's the truth, all you and I can do is spread the truth about what's really going on, there's so many different things going on in the world today, it's just crazy to think you can follow every lie.
What we can do is simply remember it's all lies, trust but verify, meaning you should beware and be aware of everything going on around you, and remember it's all being done for a reason and it's all being done to control the masses.
Rulers have always looked upon the average person as just a tool or just an asset for their wicked ways.
Whether for war or work.
A devided, uneducated society is a society that can be controlled, don't be part of that society.

well said @buster544 i agree with all your comment :)

Yes, unity is key - and that means looking out for everyone and not just our immediately connected friends and family.
On the subject of control, I actually literally just posted an interesting post on that topic whereby the logic used to train fleas is apparently being used to train humans too!

to me Politics means: caring for others well being

we delegate Power to Politicians because we expect they take care and do stuff that care for others well being.

at the end they become corrupt because there is a lot of lobby influence, etc good money if they stop acting on behalf of others, and act in behalf of just a few, corporations, etc

we need to stop delegating and assume our own voice, we do not need a small group of Politicians, we could run a country from our smartphones, etc.

1 person 1 vote, to run the country, not to vote to delegate a few representatives that are not going to care to do what real politics means :)

care for others well being

"...beliefs only get in the way of true understanding".

While this is remarkably prescient, it is only partially true. Beliefs inform perception itself, and necessarily underpin consciousness. It is not belief that betrays understanding, but rather faith.

Challenged beliefs upheld by fact are the basis for understanding. Unchallenged, or devout beliefs that one is unwilling to change regardless of the facts, prevent understanding.

Blind faith precludes understanding, and thus appropriate action, absolutely.

Edit: it can be an extraordinarily painful process, and often is only precipitated by existential threat, to examine one's core beliefs. Many people will not undertake it, and it is even possible that some people cannot, due to the intrinsic value to H. sapiens of socialization and the biological mechanisms that reinforce cultural beliefs.

It is the ability to challenge and verify beliefs that potentiates discarding lies, and enables the felicity of our posterity subsequent to the progress of civilization.

Beliefs are defined in me as "thoughts which define other thoughts as being true - without actually knowing if they are true". So it is the case that all belief introduces error and thus corrupts perception. Consciousness can exist quite well without belief.
Without belief we are left with thought, feeling and knowingness. It is knowingness that is undervalued and often assumed (due to belief) to be beyond our reach - yet it is entirely within our reach in every moment. The issue is in knowing knowingness itself and doing that requires the conscious elimination of belief.

Your definition of belief conforms to my definition of faith.

Beliefs can be based on factual experience, which your definition of belief excludes.

"...without actually knowing if they are true"

Without belief we are awash in mere conceptual flow, absent any ability to interpret our perceptions, or to differentiate them from fantasy. We interpret our perceptions based on our belief that they are perceptions, due to our experience perceiving, and practice differentiating perceptions from dreams, imagination, or hallucinations.

belief can be based on factual experience, yes - yet what differentiates belief from knowingness is that there are gaps in understanding that belief fills in.

with sufficiently deep knowingness to anchor our thinking and being, without belief we are more able to understand phenomena and our existence. the main failure in modern humans is that we typically deny our emotional guidance system and thus are left only with thinking - which, yes, tends towards dreaming and unconscious delusions. when we combine knowingness and felt understanding with our thoughts - we are kept 'pointing in the right direction' in all ways and beliefs then get in the way.

Knowingness seems somewhat mystical. Perhaps you could better define it, as I may be confusing it with faith.

"without belief we are more able to understand phenomena..."

Unless we believe (or perhaps you might say 'know') that our perceptions are actually perceptions, rather than hallucinations, or imagination, we are unable to understand - at all - that we are even perceiving. Further, what we believe about the world empowers us to interpret our perceptions such that we can understand their context.

For example, if we believe we are in an unlit dungeon and chained to a table, a sharp pain in our big toe might be perceived as the cruel act of a torturer, while if we believe we are sleeping and experiencing sleep paralysis, that same pain might simply be interpreted as a cramp.

It is what we believe about the world that informs us what we are perceiving, and enables us to understand those perceptions.

Knowingness seems somewhat mystical. Perhaps you could better define it, as I may be confusing it with faith.

Knowningness is the state of being that results from knowledge. For example, I know I exist and thus knowingness is allowed within me regarding that aspect of life for me. Knowingness is not in any way mystical - in fact, to me it is the opposite of mystical, since mysticism implies a degree of uncertainty to me.

In your example of the toe pain it is belief that facilitates the inaccurate perception, whereas knowingness leaves no space for inaccurate perception - we will simply know all facets of our experience in the correct way and in totality.

"In your example of the toe pain it is belief that facilitates the inaccurate perception..."

Which perception is the erroneous one? Absent belief it is impossible to claim to know.

I appreciate your engagement on this matter. As it is a diversion from your important post, I am going to defer further discussion to a different venue (a post I am making now), so as not to 'hijack' your post.

I find all of your posts very valuable, and don't want to further digress from their points here.

If you'd like to continue this discussion, I am more than willing, but I hope to avoid diluting your message here.

If you had told somone on September 10 2001 what would happen in the next 20 years they would have called you crazy, reality is crazy.

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