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RE: The Economic Calculation Problem and Libertarian Socialism

in #politics7 years ago

I am only a little bit familiar with some efforts in the Soviet Union to feed data into computers and crunch out predictions. But nothing successful that I know of. Do you have any materials that describe a successful solving of a problem in GDR using the approach you mentioned?

In general I am extremely skeptical about efforts to predict what will happen with the economy as a whole. Instead, a much more viable approach seems to be to identify a concrete problem and work on it. Like Uber predicting at what times and in which places in a city there will be demand, and positioning their drivers in those places in advance. I consider that a real solution to a real problem. Comparing it with the philosophizing of economists... it's like night and day.


Thats what they did. 134 persons eat 5478kg potatoes a year, so we need X land and 4 machines which need 34,73 screws per year... and so on.

If you want to build a car you need to have the ship to bring in the ore, so to speak.

Sorry, no english source at hand. I have mostly seen a 2-hour docu about it a few years ago.

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