
have you heard of Jewish Voice of Peace? Those are Jews that stand up for the rights of Palestinians. Defending Palestinians has nothing to do with Antisemitism but a lot to do with having a heart.

Self hating Jews.. they want to be socialists just like you!

Here's the JEWISH voice for peace except he is from ISLAM!

irony that these followers of this Trump Government that you seem to cherrish earlier are also people that did the attack on the synagoge in pitsburg... maybe its because you never picked up a book that you confuse me for a socialist because i stand up for the oppressed not the oppresors when that is not what socialism is about.... and yes i am also not jewish yet i side with jewish voice of peace... and just like any of those hypocrat racist you upvote your own comment and downvote disagreeing comments as you do not have the brains to stand in an argument without beeing uterly humiliated... if you think that judaism is all about dropping bombs on palestinians and muslims then i guess you are cut from the same cloth as ISIS... how about you fight for real concentrationcamps happening today like the ones in china containing uighurs, christians and falun gong instead and be less of a hypocrate? they said its ignorance that made the holocaust happen yet scum like you has the same ignorance allowing concentration camps today and so you are the same as the people of the holocaust... btw muslims are semites too and so are christians as they are all abrahamic religions so i guess an islamophobe like you is the real antisemite

lol not Jewish.. but you side with the Jews that want Israel wiped off the map. You are laughably not worth my time. Pathetic.

no i am siding with the people that want palestine to keep 22% of its original land that was taken away from them, while even this small amount of land that is left is being invaded by israeli settlers demolishing palestinian housing making life in palestine impossible. I think 22% is fairly reasonable considering that the taking of the 78% in the first place was a mistake. imagine if the ground you stand on was taken away and you were forced to resettle to make space for people that had a hard time the past few years like for example Syrian refugees.

What happened to Jordan. Look into Jordan’s history and you will be enlightened.

imagine? Are you kidding me. It’s been happening to Jews for the past 2000 years. Who stopped that from happening. But suddenly a land the
size of New Jersey is becoming a world beacon for “freedom” -
no where else in the world for that /sarc

Any-hoo all land is won by some war or another. Sick hypocrital revisionist history cannot discount that either - ie all of Europe and the middle east and America - but when Israel wins
war.. time to give back...Riiiiight

your logic is survival the fittest which reminds me a lot of hitler

Try being slaughtered for thousands of years you insensitive slick-stain. If it was survival of the fittest, nuclear weapons would have been deployed. Pod

Howdy sirbearbear! couldn't agree more, well done!

sir @janton is still kicking around here.. Nice!

Howdy sirbearbear! yes I'm going crazy here. lol. I got so busy that I stopped checking my feed and I lost
track of a few people but I'm getting my act back together.

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