Canada's Fortunes always tied to the USA - Upper 49th Parallel more than just an Imaginary Line on a Map!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I have been an Activist, not just a Typist.  

Today,  I took this Screen Capture from my FB feed (Facebook.... or  Fascistbook as I tend to call it)  because earlier in the day, it  created some discussion on my personal page as today is the day before  the 2016 sElection for the POTUS -- President of the United States.  

As you can see I left the details unedited so you can see the original  source of my post --- The Huffington Post Canada.  I liked the photo a  lot, it was a nice visual capture of both sides of the 49th Parallel.    That imaginary line in the sand on a map that delineates the US/Canada border. 

Forget the source and that most every single piece of  media you see in a day is owned and bought and paid for by one political  side or globalist or another.  It's true.... but forget that for a sec.  The other FACTS are that Canada and the USA share a border and a  ton of policy framework and thus, are linked like brother/sister.   Some would say Big Brother   LOL. 

Here  are a few of my comments I selected / added to here, from that post.   Anyone that thinks Canada has no opinion on matters in the USA are  honestly really uninformed.  Or misdirecting people with comments on purpose.  There were some really ignorant comments made by some people on both sides of the border here so I decided to  write about it.

I have been very active politically trying to  hold Big Government to account, I have not just sat idly by for years  like most do.   If you search my name, you will see that.   I have run  for Public Office to be the Voice of Change.  And then kept up the fight  big time for years after the campaign ended, proving I actually care  about things other than a paycheck.  In fact my 2010 campaign you can  find on the record I promised to donate a portion of my pay if elected - to charity.  So it was NEVER about the money.

I have sold Real  Estate since 1991, and am very involved and active with Land Planning  and Use, Policy, and tying all this to people becoming Self Reliant and  moving Off Grid and getting away from all the bureaucracy wasting our  Civil Rights/Liberties and Tax Dollars! The Government only makes money,  like "The Grid" when we stay invested in them and that is how they  generate their jobs and paychecks, it is a simple truth.   We are way  Over-Governed and Policed.  WAY. 

I was also appointed by the  Mayor and City Council to sit on one of the most important Committees  any community has in their City Halls / Municipalities -- the Committee  of Adjustment which deals with Public Applications for Variances under  the Planning Act -- essentially meaning citizen applications for changes  to their Land and Property.  So it is fair again to say, I know policy  and have hands on experience.   City Halls like to get away with stuff,  and I made sure I held their feet to the fire, FOR FAIRNESS TO  RESIDENTS!  

We deserve better from  Government and the entire Public Sector and I have tried to hold them to  account at many levels and been harassed for it.  For demanding better  and questioning things for the every day regular person. 

I have been an Activist, not just a Typist.  I say again.  Lots of ways to go about this! 

The USA is our largest trading partner, as they are with a lot of  countries.  The US Dollar is pinned to nearly everything in trade and  commerce and related policies in place and to come.

The LSS is NOBODY wins elections.... NOBODY. Not the people, not the candidates who are sElected by the Globalists in advance.

🍕🍕🍕 Pizza Party, that's what we all need.    The only Party that represents ALL the People because, who doesn't like  it? It's more balanced than nearly any candidates, ever. (Y)

More  than 80% of people in general are misinformed.  Part of that is due to  what I mentioned above by all the corruption in the MSM -- the  Mainstream Media being 90% +/- all owned by a handful of the same Elite  families/globalists causing us harm. 

They seek to control the media and  the narrative and are tied to that agenda with BigGov --- Big Government and Big Data.  They work together to keep the masses  MISDIRECTED and thus mis/uninformed.  Most informed people know this but  some don't so just putting it out there because everyone is on a  different path of learning or place on that path.

The word for this is obfuscation.   Look it up!  It means buried or hard to find or misdirected, in a  nutshell.  You will find it right in the lower levels right in your own  city halls and local governments and policing bureaus and then all the  way up the chain.  Whitewashing, burying things in reports, making info  hard to find, calling things different names, severing some info and  classifying it as secure or operational, omitting info which is a big  one, it is all related to creating a narrative for them.  The  publication of those narratives by media or official sources, or  unofficial sources then becomes PROPAGANDA.   

Companies that pollute the environment are another good example of who  uses these tactics.  Companies on either side of borders!  Just to bring  this full circle back to the main focus of this post. 

Our  2 countries are tied so closely together geographically and politically  and policy wise. You wonder why comments like those claiming our  countries are not linked or one side has no right to an opinion are  attacked or ignored - at least I have the decency and common sense to  present those COMMON FACTS to people, is what I had to write to that  person when they attacked me for being on the Canadian side of this line the government calls "The Border" we share- maybe you have heard of these  things?  LOL

"The fact a specific article on the POTUS (USA)  does not mention my  country Canada directly does not preclude the facts I presented earlier  to you, I also said.   You must be really slow.  I am pretty patient a  lot of the time, but honestly, get it together, think for yourself a bit.... before that is outlawed also"

Barry Dutton  :
"I  have DONE a lot, not just sat here and typed, so I am in a decent  position to speak on political policy. Look up my name." - just in case  the person wondered if I was like most people sitting around in life  complaining but never ACTING on my concerns. 

Followed  by:    "But if you look at my first statement today to this guy about  why CAN/US relations are tied together, it affects all of us. I spent  most of the last SIX years as an activist doing exactly what you are  saying here locally (name edited for respect of privacy) .. - Just ask my fascist mayor and city hall  (: - The nite that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  was elected in Canada - within ONE hour I sent him a direct email  discussing our fraudulent monetary policy you have seen me post on many  times as well as the TPP and Bill C51 issues.

Part of an activist's job  is to ACT. and my 15 000 hours+ of that is pretty relevant and also easy to find. It means I don't just sit and complain like you infer and  rightly so --- most do. I have also talked openly about THAT aspect.

"...  Not that it matters but you are clearly looking for direct things said,  in an article in specific--- you have said it twice so far here meaning  you cannot see the greater good or bigger picture. I stated my reasons  clearly here twice and you won't or can't reason for yourself or comprehend what I said which is pretty obvious. And you are wrong again,  when you say none of the candidates has mentioned Canada -- because Trump has brought up Canada several times during his campaign.  That's very easy to find.  You are either not paying attention or wilfully misdirecting people with false accusations.  Or both.  

--  Tim, I am not being a jerk but every time you open your virtual mouth  on this thread, you show your complete ignorance of basic FACTS. All you  have is opinion. They are not the same. People like you are exactly  what is wrong and what your friend (edited for respect of privacy)  said  in his first post to me --- MISINFORMED. It is not currently worth my  time to keep trying to inform you of facts, when you want to ignore  them. I won't be responding to you again.

Barry Dutton 
You  would be better off spending some time researching basic facts  today..... since you said my opinion as a human being, and being in  Canada -- does not matter. If it did not matter, why are you engaging  me, lol

I  will end this by saying a lot of people go through each day feeling  like this system on both sides of our border -- or other places -- is  clearly broken.  A smaller but growing percentage of humanity KNOWS what  is broken, has connected the dots and knows it benefits those in power  to keep the system and people broken and dependent on them and hope  citizens do not educate themselves and engage it for change.   That is  why it is a joke and an affront to Truth and Liberty to try to keep  people tied to the GRID --- yet the SYSTEM AND GOVERNMENT proclaim they support clean, green tech and living responsibly and sustainably.   Sustainable living and that word means one thing to an informed citizen  and something very very different to government and the Elite. 

Now.....  look up Agenda 21... because that is a UN initiative that affects all  of humanity, on every side, of every border.  Every single day.   And  you may be shocked at what you find. 


Totally agree with you. More people should be of situation we are in. But we have so many important stuff to do. Sad, really sad.

I agree, thanks for the comment and reading.

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