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RE: Israel’s Mossad DID 9/11?

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

That link also contained analysis that implicates hotel security in a cover-up.

Luckily I archived the link above, because Medium nuked the original. So be sure Medium is another gatekeeper of propaganda and censorship as is also Wikipedia. Someone else also blogged about it.

Additionally we have the photo evidence which seems to be staged:

Charles Boyd commented:

If this guy got all those guns into the rooms, where are the suitcases at when the crime scene photos were taken & leaked? Has there been any forensic reports showing which guns / tools he used? Assuming they all would have his finger prints & DNA all on everything. Has there been anything new that has come to light that proves he acted alone? Where is the security footage from the hallway where he shot the security guard? Where is the footage showing him taking these to his room on the floor he was booked?

And the authorities conclude they can’t determine a motive. Lol.

Eric S. Raymond also related what his source in the investigation told him:

Aaaannnd what did he say?….

Paraphrasing slightly…this is best left alone. Heavily but deniably implied: dude was a U.S. intelligence asset who went nuts, and the people who used to run him don’t want anyone poking around his backtrail.

Ah isn’t that nice lie for TPTB to tell their compartmentalized agents.

No, he was a U.S. intelligence asset who was a cover for the false-flag.

‘The American friends’: New court files expose Sheldon Adelson’s security team in US spy operation against Julian Assange

Why would a shooter intent on doing what is alleged bring so many more guns than he needs and not instead bring more ammo? To scare the world into believing that gun rights are bad? Makes no sense. Where’s the open sourcing of the forensic work?

Instead he was a covert operative who was lured into transporting guns to other covert operatives who were dressed as security guards. Paddock thought he was dropping off guns. Instead he was hog tied, the other operatives shoot from the window, then they shoot Paddock in the head to make it look like an “a deranged, suicidal, white man gone berserk.” And why would any wealthy person be forced to use a more difficult to control bump stop then they could surely instead source a fully automatic.

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