Results are Being Counted, We Need Observers!

in #politics6 years ago


The counting is underway! The Arizona primary ended on the 28th of August, and there is still no word on whether we received enough votes to get on the ballot in November or not. It's looking good for the entire Arizona Freedom Team from the numbers so far, but it's going to be close.

Although Republicans and Democrats would NEVER do anything underhanded, it's still in our best interest to keep them honest. So we need YOUR help! Right now we are looking for observers to watch the counting process. We need people for EVERY county in Arizona. The counting will take place over the next few days, so if you're interested please send an email to [email protected] stating that you would like to be an observer and which county you live in. Jim will give you the information you need. If you know anyone in Arizona who might not see this email, please ask them to help us out here for me. Remember that while this may be an unfamiliar situation for all of us, we should do our best to remain cool, calm, and collected in order to represent the cause of freedom with the spirit of love behind it.

Regardless of what happens, this fun little campaign has already been worthwhile for the cause of freedom and the Libertarian Party. The odds of victory are slim regardless of whether we clear this hurdle, but I would rather lose a thousand elections as a Libertarian than win one as Republican or Democrat. We have some very exciting things to announce when they announce that we're on the ballot.

To support my campaign you can go to


Peace and Love,

Adam Kokesh

American Referendum Project


When is the book bomb happening? It’s been months since we’ve had an update.

Are you still running for president?

Many donated to you—thousands of dollars—for these causes.

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His presidential bid starts back up as soon as the count is done in Arizona.

When was this announced? Even if so, it doesn’t change all of the other issues.

I saw this. I mean where did he announce that he will only be running for prez if he loses the count? And where did he announce that if he wins the prezs run is out? And why doesn't he correct interviewers that directly say: "He's not running anymore"?

I just knew you were going to make me watch that video again...eight minutes into the video he says he is going to suspend his run for president to run for senate. Suspend leaves open the possibility that it's only temporary. I haven't seen everything he's put out lately but I haven't seen anything that suggest he has totally given up running for president even if he loses in Arizona.

leaves open the possibility

If he wins, he cannot run for president. He says "suspend." If it is possible that he may not be able to run after all, why not say so? What does that mean to all the folks who have donated to the run for president? On a recent interview he posted, the interview says directly, and in no uncertain terms that Adam is not running anymore. There is no correction here. Am I really off base for asking questions here?

If he wins he can still run for president. Lots of senators run for president. He probably wouldn't, he'd be to elated he won anything for one thing, another would be if by some miracle he won it would give him time to get some experience under his belt.

I don't know what that means for all the people who have donated to his presidential campaign. I am not that up on federal election rules or the paperwork required to be filed, I only know it has to be filed and he has to prove it was all spent on his campaign.

Like I stated I haven't seen much of his stuff lately so I haven't seen him explicitly state he has given up running for president. I can only speculate on a number of reasons if he said that as to why. One being maybe the Libertarian Party told him he is not going to be nominated, or two maybe it was just for shit and giggles and he has had all his fun, three his bus did a dive mechanically a while back and it would cost a small fortune to put it back on the road and run it hard like that, four he's burned all his bridges and it's getting harder to get people to run around the country on a bus looking like a well put together team. Like I said that's all speculation but the one I am more prone to go with is he was out having a good time while it lasted.

Wow a Senate candidate advertising on Steem? Very cool

Luck with your campaign ... I hope you can have a free election .. support your ideology

buenas aqui mi visita,espero contar con su apoyo,soy venezolana residente en margarita,le agradezco el apoyo que me pueda brindar,saludos

Praying for a good result for the value of truth and honesty. From the east coast, can only watch and keep my fingers crossed for you. Chins up, you are on the right side of things and cannot lose for that. Peace and goodwill.

I just emailed to see what I can do. I live in Maricopa county.

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Hi Adam,

Think you might like this one...


The Declaration of Congressional Incompetence, September 1, 2018


@adamkokesh Do you consider yourself an Anti-Federalist? If it wasn't for Anti-Federalists, there would be no Bill of Rights. I'm an Anti-Federalist, strong on decentralized government and Direct Democracy. Nice to meet you. I hope you and many more like you take over the federal government and clean house.

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