What a strange lot you Americans are.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #political8 years ago

You have voted Trump to lead your country.

Here in the UK we have got ourselves into a similar situation with Brexit. It could go either way, good or bad and as of yet we don’t know. We are lucky to have a good start with our own currency and a good base economy. Not everyone voted to leave but now it’s done, everyone needs to get behind it to make it work. It will work.

You have also voted for change by voting in someone outside the current political system. Yes it will be mainly run by politicians but I hope some of Trump’s ideas make you look at yourselves and see doing things for everyone else and suffering yourselves is not the easy way to live.

You have Trump and should now make sure he ‘Makes America great again’.

The burning the flag thing.
I read a post by @dollarvigilante, in it, he posts his video burning the American flag which got me started on this post. (It’s not about burning the flag but about debt)

Well here in the UK we get criticised for flying our flag. Because it might upset someone not originally from the UK and not really wanting to be part of the UK. Although the people this might offend do want all the benefits and freedom that comes with living in our great country. (I am not sure if anyone actually gets upset other than the politicians trying to get minority votes). Politically correct.

From over here, we see you flying your flag proudly, and that to me is a great thing. I do agree with Trump here: - Throw them out if they burn the flag. Lock them up if they fly it upside down. Our Union Jack is far too easy to fly upside down for that rule to apply here.

However because you are not really one country, but a collection of states, maybe burning the American flag is ok if you dislike the Federal way of life. Maybe if you fly your state flag instead. I don’t know?

Images from www.freeimages.com


I believe national identity is an important part of national pride and without a preserved culture there is no identity. I agree with the now President Elect Donald Trump when he said "without borders you don't have a country." You also don't have one if you are just in the mixing bowl of the global society and cannot make your own choices as a nation about pretty much anything you can think of. When your armed forces are risking their lives, not to defend us as in 'Queen and Country' any more but to be forsaken for political agendas, you have no country...

I am English and I voted for Brexit and would have voted for Trump had I been born there instead.

What strikes me as interesting is these are special privileged moments in time, almost one in many lifetimes opportunities to make the right choice for future generations. Yes it may get bad in the short term especially, this had crossed my mind before voting but overall did I want to tell my grandchildren I never took the opportunity when I could to say I don't think this is right and to want to have pride in where I was born?

Agree. People have voted for both countries for change and it will happen

TDV isn't an American, he has warrants for his arrest in the US and Canada. This is why he hides out in Mexico..

Perhaps you missed the fact that a very large majority of your countrymen voted to leave the EU. A very large majority of Americans also voted to take our country back...

The protesters you are being shown are literally a few people paid by George Soros and made to look huge by the lying media...

And of course it has to be said, if we Americans had listened to you British we wouldn't have much of a country to worry about anyway...

I am all for the exit from the EU, now, and I like Trumps words mostly.
I also know nothing about TDV except he inspired me to this post.

upvoted followed.

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