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RE: That’s wack!

in #politcs6 years ago

...I nearly won my US House race...

That I did something Ron Paul did, and almost won...

You really like to brag about the fact that you tried to use the statist system...and lost to the very people you think are incompetent and inefficient. And that's not to say that I disagree with the government/politicians being incompetent and inefficient, but how bad does it make you look when you're beaten three(?) times by them?

What exactly is the brag here? That you're almost as good as the other sociopaths that want that "job?" That maybe if you tried a little harder, you can be the best (worst?) sociopath in town?

Tell me how well YOU did before.

Tell me why I need to run for political office in order to criticize anyone/anything. You keep bringing this up. It's an irrelevant point. It literally has nothing at all to do with anything that I've written. You do understand the illogical argument here, right?

Most of you know ANYTHING about liberty because of something that happened in 2007 with Ron Paul...

Yes, because if we don't think people like you and Kokesh aren't the greatest thing since sliced bread, then we must be stupid millennials that knew nothing about anarchism/libertarianism before Ron Paul ran for president in 2008. Again with the impeccable logic.

Talk all you want...remember, in the end, you were just talk. I'm proud to say that I was more.

Yes, were ALMOST a politician. Congratulations on that near-achievement. What a goal to strive for. You seem to be extremely proud of yourself for ALMOST making it...but I can't figure out why you're so proud of this non-achievement. Even if you had "won," you still would have lost. And even if you had won, it would have made no difference at all in Congress.

It's not bragging when it's true.

What is true is that you failed to win. Three times. I'm not even sure if that can be bragging when you're "brag" is that you didn't win. Did the Patriots brag when they lost to the Eagles in the Super Bowl? Did Hillary Clinton brag about losing to Trump? Even if they did, it would certainly make more sense, since what they "achieved" was appearing in a national contest and finishing as a runner-up. You're bragging about losing a local contest...three times.

I guess some people set the bar really low for themselves so that they can feel better about never winning.

You deny you use politically-decided money, and drive on politically-decided roads, and are affected directly, by politically-decided government omnipresence.

Who is denying these things?

It's like you're standing on a train track as the train's coming right at you, but you simplistically believe covering your eyes with your hands will make it go away.

Ah...that must have been how you felt when you lost those three elections. So this is projection then?

What the fuck did you do? There's your challenge. Quantify your contributions.

Quantify them? I prefer quality over quantity. Maybe that's where you went wrong?

And "reprisals" with what--words? Sounds like someone's afraid of words.

It was a reference to another comment made to me about people who are afraid to speak out against morons like Kokesh and his sycophants - like you - because of a "fear of reprisals." And this "fear of reprisals" is somewhat justified when other commenters in Kokesh's threads threaten physical harm against people who speak out against him or his ideas/proposals.

So many of you "anarchists" are nothing but the libertarian version of snowflakes.

Says the guy who was triggered by my criticism about his charlatan idol.

You can actually troll people with much shorter comments. The first reply here was much better. This one just feels like you're trying too hard. It's really sad, actually.

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