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RE: That’s wack!

in #politcs6 years ago (edited)

I love getting politesse lessons from those who've never put their own names on the line, and knowing they don't know I nearly won my US House race appealing to hundreds of thousands of people on a shoestring budget, with almost no help, and against a $1 million warchest. Tell me how well YOU did before.

I'll guess you come with that sophomoric reply about me being statist because, in reality, you're just like those in the Libertarian Party. All talk, no action. Most of you know ANYTHING about liberty because of something that happened in 2007 with Ron Paul, a politician. But now you deem yourself "beyond all that". Ha your definition, Ron Paul is an authoritarian and sociopath. You're beyond ridiculous.

I'm not a sociopath or authoritarian either. On the contrary, I'm quite attuned to most people and have worked, PROFITABLY, in the trenches among them likelier more closely than you could ever imagine, on many socio-economic levels, and understand human behavior in a way similar to anyone who studies it formally.

You're a fool if you think you don't live as a MINORITY among statist sympathizers, and that's giving you the benefit of doubt that you're any kind of advocate for liberty in even lip service. Most people do not want liberty because they do not want the responsibilities that come with them.

Talk all you want...remember, in the end, you were just talk. I'm proud to say that I was more. That I did something Ron Paul did, and almost won, in the most unconventional ways possible. It's not bragging when it's true.

The US House is a Constitutional position. Working toward a Constitutional environment again is a great way to get back to real liberty. Of course, this is the plan for those who have the intelligence to know that liberty won't be won all back overnight. It's for those of us who are intelligent and wise enough to know we didn't lose it from one minute to the next, and we won't be able to recover it that way either, if at all. It's for those of us who won't cut off our political noses to spite our philosophical faces. See if you can understand all this. Maybe you can't. So many of you are so "busy" being so "pure". You deny you use politically-decided money, and drive on politically-decided roads, and are affected directly, by politically-decided government omnipresence. It's like you're standing on a train track as the train's coming right at you, but you simplistically believe covering your eyes with your hands will make it go away.

At least I had an effective plan that moved us, as a group of people, in that direction, all before you heard of Ron Paul, I'm guessing. No one was forced, no one was extorted. No one was harmed.

What the fuck did you do? There's your challenge. Quantify your contributions. And "reprisals" with what--words? Sounds like someone's afraid of words. So many of you "anarchists" are nothing but the libertarian version of snowflakes.


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