Kola – photo story of the ordinary dog!

in #polish6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!

Today I will show you some photographs of my dog!

She is ordinary dog for you but for me it is not so obvious. She is extraordinary! – see below:


Relax or she wants something?

My dog – Kola, has about 10 years now and she is still very active dog. We have taken her to watch over our house but we did not know that she will not be big dog.
Once we have taken her, she slept with us at home and everyone has accepted her and from this time she is living with us.

Dziś przedstawię Wam krótkie photo story mojego pupila !

Jest zwykłym psem, kundelkiem, ale dla mnie jest jednak psem niezwykłym!
Mój pies – Kola, ma aktualnie około 10 lat i wciąż jest bardzo aktywnym psem. Wzięliśmy ja aby broniła naszego domu, jednak okazała się zbyt małym psem by przeżyć w budzie. Dzięki temu, że jest małym kundelkiem zamieszkała z nami w domu i często śpi ze mną. Zapraszam na photo story!


She is missing her owner - my mother


Man, I'm bored!


Can you give us something to eat?




It was a good party yesterday!


Thanks for watching me!


Dogs aren't colorblind but their eyes don't have receptors for red. They see in shades of black and white and also in shades of blue and yellow.

Podobna do swojej właścicielki 😎😎

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