Abolish the Police!? Let's 'Think' About That a Moment ..

in #police8 years ago (edited)

@emancipatedhuman posts this interview with some 'ex'-military dude (most likely a SGT providing supervision for a group of low-level signals operators) ..

I too am sickened by the police-involved violence that I see all over Internet these days - especially when the Police are the unjustifed perpetrators ...

... but you know, in this STATE & COP-hating frenzy, it's important to remain MATURE & RATIONAL!

So you want Blackwater making sure your kids are safe after they leave your gated-n-walled-in neighborhood, on their way to private school? Fine .. are they going to protect them 'all the way there', or just to the limits set forth in your neighborhood's contract? What about all that in-between space? Or, will there be a private force for the entire city, paid for by donations ... y'know, "voluntarilyly"... for sure you're going to attract some real high-grade candidates for that poor-wage gig.

Oh sure, these days there seems to be a lot more people, especially African-American/Hispanic folk, dying at the hands of police officers in the United States - at least, that's what we see on Youtube. First, let's look at some past statistics .. CATO Institute's 2010 National Police Misconduct Statistical Report .. (yes, I chose a safe source) .. in 2010 there were 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims, a total of 247 fatalities resulted from these reports - 23.8% of the complaints were for Excessive Force, and 4.5% were for Assault - these are reported cases, not proven mind you, but the number of fatalities are undeniable. The numbers these days are probably higher, but not 'extraordinarily and extremely so', so we will discuss the numbers that we have.

Now, for certain the Police have been involved in many more shootings, etc. resulting in the deaths of citizens, but many were of course justified - shoot or be shot, or shoot or someone else dies, situations .. yes, they do exist. But let's just say, for the purpose of argument, that some of those situations were not called into question when they should have been, perhaps because the involved citizen had no family, friends or witnesses, so let's double the number of people killed by police, deemed the result of excessive or unjustifiable use of force, to 500 in 2010 .. 500 in the entire nation of 309.3 million people.


You think this is more the exception or the closer to the norm, of daily policing? I will tell you it is closer to the norm! How many police officers were killed, or maimed in the line-of-duty in 2010?

According to information released today by the FBI, 56 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty last year; 72 officers died in accidents while performing their duties; and *53,469 officers were assaulted in the line of duty.*

So, imagine yourself a police officer a moment .. you wake up, and before you go to work you look in the mirror and say .. "Remember Hoss, Serve and Protect .. Serve and Protect .. stay calm, stay strong..." .. and later that day, a bath salts abusing fuckhead tries to bite a chunk out of your fucking face! Just think about 'that' a second .. Most of the wonderful citizens the police interact with on a daily basis are either slow, or fast suicides - people who want to die by destroying themselves, or others making their future impossible, or they just decide it's time the police put them down. Who are you serving now, who are you protecting? Yourself, that's for fuck sure .. your partner, yep .. your friends and family living across town .. kinda .. the person being attacked by ToothlessRockCocaineJoe with his Hepatitis-C Cock hanging out of his 70s shorts ... you're fucking rights!

Oh, you think Joe should have been playfully-wrestled to the ground, and gently cuffed? .... uhhhh, fuck that .. you do it! :-) You know, police are not responsible for a lack of investment in health, mental health, education, and the loss of fundamental parenting skills in the United States - but they deal with the fucking fallout.

Oh, and they also have to deal with assholes like this!!

The police officers in the above video showed great professionalism and patience dealing with obvious fucking morons .. great fun when that patience finally came to an end.

There are good, hard-working folk, who as much as they should learn how to defend themselves and their property, can't .. they need a degree of provided-security. Policing, or Private Security, without oversight by a group of people that can be held accountable... would be the equivalent of Blackwater in Iraq .. plain and simple. You think your little girl will be safer with monopolistic, profit-seeking, military-grade weaponry-packing goons, most of whom just got back from a fucking warzone!!??

I mean, let those guys do the cost-benefit-analysis on defending your ivory tower asses in the face of any degree of real, organized threat .. they'll split in a heart beat, and what will the world look like then ..?

Good luck with that!


I can't build a mobile phone, but here I am holding one. Criminal investigation and prosecution could easily be handled by the victim's insurance company. (Actual crimes with actual victims, not this 'vice' rubbish that gets busybody badge buffers killed)

The animator of this piece is @bitbutter and he's here on steemit.

Insurance companies!? .. oh ya, I am going to let my future, or the future of a family member, be decided by a corrupt little profit-seeking insurance company!? You people are fucking crazy .. really! Actual victims .. actual crimes .. like fukdup husbands murdering their wives? Some of those "badge buffers" died trying to stop that! "Vice rubbish" .. holy shit, you people have no idea what's going on in the REAL WORLD!

You're reacting like this because the state is a religious belief you hold.
If I was wrong, you'd just shrug and ignore me. Good to know alliteration can be such a good trigger, thanks. "Badge buffing busybodies" flows better though I think.

You can not attribute something to.me and then attack that which you attached, based on nothing ..that's WEAK!!

Flows better!? Oh so your calling-n-life is to create catchy little labels to sum up the life and efforts of 10s of thousands of people? You should spend less time attaching labels and more time reaquainting yourself with REALITY!

This is one of the joys of steemit. I actually wrote a piece about cops, and I have another one rattling around upstairs.
If you can find a flaw in my reasoning, I'd love to hear it.

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