Poetry Slam Challenge 8: Bananas

If I ruled the world
I'd confiscate all the bombs
and load guns with bananas
so we can food fight all day long.

If I ruled the world
There'd be no more poverty,
everyone would be cared for
and all the people would be free.

If I ruled the world
You wouldn't see us fighting wars
You wouldn't walk the streets at night in fear
You wouldn't have to lock your doors
or heart.
If I ruled the world.

Img Src - Banksy/Stencilrevolution.com

Follow me @Shredlord for more

If you'd like to find out about the Poetry Slam Challenge, please CLICK HERE.


Imagine how much a banana would cost then?

lol true that

I like this food fight idea very much, much more than bloodshed.

I reckon we'd have enough bananas for it if we took the money we usually spend on military and threw it into agriculture instead. There I go again, dreaming. haha

All in on the banana food fight! Great job!

Thanks @prufarchy and for the challenges as well. Great way of engaging people on Steemit.

The legend! :) Have been a fan of his stuff for a while now. A new artist has been capturing my attention as well. Pawel Kuczynski is the name. Does a lot of satirical art, you might like :)

Checking right now !

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