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RE: 🎭Poetry Slam Challenge 7💸: Whispers of a Castle - 城堡凄诉(by @ace108)

I never know that you are such a poet! Well done! Personally I like the English one much more than the Chinese one. Also the poem goes really well with the photo.
關於中文詩, (不是批評, 是建議 :P) 老鼠愛大米, 似乎太過輕浮!? (或許是我對這詞不熟悉, 畢竟是大陸用語) 另外, 既然你用繁體, 你的"翻"應該為"番"才是... Just FYR


Thanks for your comments. I do feel the English is better too. The Chinese version in the medieval castle didn't feel quite right but I decided to have a little bit of fun. Always good interesting comments to learn from. Thanks again. As for being a poet, I write very little poem in the pass but decided to join in the fun #steemitphotochallenge (which I have to sit out this time for the Autumn theme which we don't have in Singapore and #poetryslamchallenge and perhaps more.

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