The game we will never win

in #poetrydice18 years ago (edited)

The Unwinnable Game

Like insects oblivious to their death when lured
Sheep remain complacent. Following the herd
Drinking thirstily from the fountain of lies
Happy in their ignorance. Ignoring the cries
Masked in False hope and promises unkept
Constantly being watched. Surveyed while they slept
They cast their spells like sorcerers, or magicians
Telling their lies, like any good politician
The stage has been set, wearing their Sunday best shoes
But remember. Whoever wins. We all still lose

I'll admit. Probably not my best work. Critiques are always welcome. I just felt it somewhat appropriate, given the season. Probably a little on the dark, and pessimistic side, but the times, being what they are..pretty much how I feel about the whole damn thing.


I think you hit the nail squarely on the head...I cannot fathom the depth of trust and belief people have in a failed election process...when voting matters, they do not allow us to participate...the ONLY time voting matters is when Congress is passing laws we have to live by and that they are exempt from...the Presidential election process has always been rigged...ask the Electoral College candidates what their purpose is for...

Ya. I'm pretty disgusted with the whole process. They make a big deal to go out and vote, but honestly, here in California, it doesn't even matter. People ask me who I'm voting for, and I tell them. "Well, I live in California, which means I'm voting for Hillary, whether I like it, or not."
This election, actually brought me a sliver of hope. Because with two candidates that, I thought, anyone could agree on, have no business in the White House, it would bring more attention to third party candidates. People would suddenly remember they have more than just two options. But nope. There are disillusioned people that will still rally behind either candidate, blindly believing that they have their interest at heart. Fact of the matter is, unless you have enough money, so that you can pay them to care about your interests...they don't give a shit about your interests. lol

I'll bet if we started voting with bullets instead of ballots we would get their undivided attention!

LOL Ice!!! Actually I really like your poem!!! It's stirring! :-) Thanks for your entry! :-) XO cheers @blancobasura!

Thank you. I'm sure I'll have a better entry soon. Just need some time to work on it. 😊

LOL, is he running against

STOP... Hammer Time!?

My older post inspired me to make this tonight.
Wait, if I inspire myself is that extreme narcissism?

I must be totally awesome and observant to realize that about myself.

Add #poetrydice2 brotha!

And maybe link the image for reference

Ya. I thought about doing that...but got distracted. Damn ADD. lol Thank you for lookin out.

I think it may be a typo in the post to use hashtag poetrydice1 so I played it safe and used both 1 and 2 not to be overlooked.

good call guys...sorry about the confusion...i forgot to change it out for the poetrydice2 hashtag!!! :-) At least your titles say it all!!! <3 I got you!!! :-) (both!)

It's okay. We got it. :P Better to be safe than sorry, is all

Ya, I did too. Never know. lol

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