Welcome To The Poetry Dice Challenge #34

in #poetrydice6 years ago (edited)

I welcome all of you back to the Poetry Dice Challenge.

This week in the Poetry Dice I would like to take you on an adventure.

We are doing things a little differently as we push you farther and encourage you to grow as a writer but more so we want to ignite your passion to grow and seek higher heights as you move your pen (or the keys on your laptop) in a poetic rhythm and flow.

We invite you into a game of mystical play. Will you come and play with us in a world of mystery whodunnit where things are hidden and not what they seem. We extend to you as a player, this dare. And to begin this is the dice roll we offer to you.

You may choose

OPTION #1 - to write a poem using the dice only and the regular prize amounts listed below.

Or you can go deeper and an accept our invitation to the masquerade and if you win in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd category, 1 additional SBD will be added to your prize reward.

OPTION 2-The optional invite:

There are 7 character roles you may choose from.

You are to choose one character and write two paragraphs that will serve as an introductory story to your poem. Including(using) the dice images above write the poem/prose telling the story of how this story Masquerade Ball story will end based on what your character sees.
I ask that as you choose your character let your imagination run wild as you write the story of what your character experiences on this night of the Masquerade Ball.

However if you are not feeling the flow of option #2 you can request in the comment section below more info about the character you chose and I will provide the background information about each character as I saw them upon creating this story adventure. I personally have inscribed a story from beginning to end including who the killer is and the significance of each character and why they were invited. If you would like that info please request it and I will it based on the character you choose.

These are the 7 characters that were sent the invites:

  1. The Librarian
  2. The Artist
  3. The Philosopher
  4. The Chemist
  5. The Tourist
  6. The Traveler
  7. The Shaman
    More Info on the Optional Challenge:
    On the 29th of June @ exactly 3:00 PM they all received an invitation
    To the city’s most prestigious event held yearly on the Isle of SandDove:
    The 4th of July Masquerade Ball.

The Invitation tiny note card on the front of the envelope in big bold writing:
Please read and comply…your presence is being requested:

The invitation read as follows:

As an honorary recipient, you have been cordially invited as Mayor Houstner’s special guest.
To the 2018 4th of July Masquerade Ball.
The occasion is Black Tie/formal and you must wear a mask.

For the 7 that received the invitation, their first thoughts ranged from a reserved contemplation to a chuckle of a laugh at the thought of this being a practical joke. But it was far from a joke and the request for their presence was real. Yet none of the 7 took it seriously because they were not friends with the mayor nor did they travel in his circle; and 3 of them barely knew him.
And as time journeys on the mystery plot of this epic and conspicuous Masquerade Ball thickens.
It will be revealed that 3 attendees will not survive the 2018 Isle of SandDove Masquerade Ball 3.
As the clock strikes midnight 3 will cease to be?
Who will be revealed as the three?
Spoiler alert: The Mayor who stand so tall will be the first of the three to fall.

To Be Continued…..

You must indicate in the comment section below along with your entry link. Please links only whether you are playing this week's PDC under OPTION 1 Traditional Play or Under OPTION 2 - The Invite :

About This Challenge

Use the dice to divine a miraculous poem of might. Enter the contest for a chance to win some SBD.
This poetry dice challenge is a way to break free from writer’s block and guide the imagination to piece together 9 images into poetry. The best poem is not just any poem. It moves, it stirs, and it doesn’t have to rhyme. There are no style restraints on this challenge. Take to the wind and let your imagination fly.

Aim of the Game.

Use this contest to win a prize:
• 1st Place is 5 SBD
• 2nd Place is 4 SBD
• 3rd Place is 2 SBD


  1. Create a poem using the 9 images on the dice {above}
  2. All 9 images on the dice must be referenced at least once in the poem.
  3. Make a post from your poem and use “poetrydice” as your first tag.
  4. Label your entry clearly. Include “Poetrydice” in your title.
  5. Drop a link to your post in the comment section below (link’s only please)
  6. Winner’s will be chosen with consideration of the following: Your inclusion of this week’s theme, grammar rhythm, imagery, and creativity.
  7. Please resteem this post to help get the word out about the PDC

Deadline to enter

Sunday, July 5, 2018, 12 midnight (eastern standard time, Georgia, U.S.A.)

Winners Announced Weekly
Best of luck to all. May your poems be great and may your writer’s block vanish and may your gift as a Poet keep growing to a level of excellence.


Hi Ren,
I'm excited to see the dice again!
I will give option 2 a go. I am not too sure where to start, and welcome your insights. Do I need to choose a character before seeking extra info?
I'm leaning towards the chemist or the shaman, but will give it some thought.
@clayboyn, I see you have already opted for option 1, but if you get a chance, The philosopher is made for you!

Actually. I'm going against my usual choices and am electing to be the librarian.
I messaged you on discord.

Hi @rensoul17. It has been a long time since I participated in the
Poetry Dice. I can barely keep my eyes uncrossed right now
So I'm resteeming this hoping I can remember to re-read
And perhaps come up with a viable entry. Upvoted too.


Thanks for stopping by @deeclown.

I went with option 1, feels like it has been a bit too long since I joined in. :)

I do love this one @clayboyn. No, you are not out of practice. You still got the skills and you make it look so easy, this poem just flows and draws the reader in and ignites the imagination to see what you describe. Embracing the unknown sounds like a good idea to me. Thank you for your entry.

Ok great just glad that you joined us. Welcome @clayboyn.

There are not many words I need to add to a piece so magnificently written from beginning to end. WOW, I Mean WOW!!! i LOVE iT!!! You are an extraordinary writer. I got lost in phrases like "

"So when the obscure invitation arrived, instincts previously catalogued and cached with her past life unlocked a familiar caution. "

to this one
"Hidden from cruel and dangerous eyes
A door to match my key,
Beyond life's dangerous overgrowth
A haven just for me,"
Just Awesome. Thank you for your entry. @girlbeforemirror.

You are always so kind to me Ren.

It felt a bit clunky and rushed, and some of those sentences need breaking up, but I am a little foggy at the moment.
I also perhaps squashed more than 2 paragraphs of content into the intro so I could comply with the limit.
Thanks for continuing to spread good vibes and positivity.

Here is my entry. I go for option 2; https://busy.org/@aduragbemi/poetry-dice-challenge-34-entry-option-2-the-librarian.

I know am kinda a little bit late on this one. It's such a wonderful experience joining this contest. Thanks Ren!

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