Poetry Dice Entry Week 24: Multiplicity Of Hue

in #poetrydice6 years ago (edited)


56 lines with some written insight at the end.


Lavish from floor to ceiling in violet silk her abundant banquets known house wide,
Cunning in yellow he could trick his way inside the most luxuries of palace,
Waiting for recipients to reply doves flew away into the moonlight in stride,
One by one they fell from Olympus never to meet their behest in unjust malice,
With steady hands and a quick whip of a pen a forged invention with intensions callous,
Invite only? Nope, I’ll just invite myself to such fancy scales,
Knocking at the palace door a shapeshifter without question demanding a chalice,
The doors busted wide open to reveal Thalia taping on a golden plate with her nails,
Malice intent in the left hand and helpfulness in the right he set high sails,
Unknown to Loki the scales of power shifted as Thalia know her sister was on the way,
The battle of Yellow and Violet pursuit on light feet on intent of the night’s conversion of details,
Where the rumors true here sister was affray or was this just a sway,
For a price of seat at the table he was willing to concede such information,
She, on the other hand, demanded otherwise and sounded for guards at their station.


An orange Charis has arrived optimistically to lay claim to information of her missing sister,
While startled at first Loki horned for his backup plan and called for blue,
As if a chilled had entered the room a goddess wielding a nock bow acted as a lister,
Euthymia realizing her home was now filled with a crazed moon of spew,
Decided to try her hands at using her good merit among the Norse,
She tried to charm Skade blue aroura away in hopes of disarming,
Skade, on the other hand, felt a spear would have more force,
The two women now locked fiercely at each with fire and harming,
Skade thrust a spear and missed shattering a gold vase,
Euthymia maintaining pose thrust a golden knife back striking Skade,
Frozen icy blood spilled onto the floor brace,
Skade struck back with such force the tables shook and wade,
The underworld would soon seek one of them but whom would it be,
The battle between the two went on for a fort till one would take a knee.


Red and turquoise where never on even footing inside,
While Apollo is a healer the scales can be tipped into a plaque craft,
It is rumored Vali grew to full size in moonlight and a day so he will never hide,
Such he had no fear of leaving footprints behind that could be his overdraft,
Apollo not needing question the path waited inside a tavern brewing witchcraft,
After several days passing heading north, Vali finally arrived,
Tired and parched he order trusted ale on draft,
Unbeknown to him the whole supply was deprived,
Plague had shimmered into the ale barrel for whom no hands would ever revived,
Vali realizing something was amiss scoured the tavern looking for the fool,
Who would dare cross him in his passion what have they contrived,
With swish of cloth, a dagger exposed dripping with rule,
It was not safety Apollo seek inside the tavern but information from bloodshed,
Vali with powerful anger contrived sought-after information before falling over dead.


Purple heard the terrible news that a Charis ate a green apple
How could a Charis be more careless than a Norse,
Zeus marched on Asgard wanting to grapple,
He had more questions than inspirations someone had to be a source,
It was not long before meeting during the moon to end this,
No towers to hide in or homes to burn in search,
Ithunn explained that the Charis was dismiss,
She, on the other hand, had sneaked past some broken walls in a lurch,
She sought after Yggdrasill in hopes of going elsewhere,
Along the way she stumbled upon a forest of apple trees,
In haste of staying younger forever, she ate one proclaimed Ithunn in a blare,
Violent thunderbolts shot out of Zeus in royal temper as he fell to his knees,
His daughter’s mind forever lost in a new gestalt,
Not bearing the news anymore Zeus struck his heart with his very own thunderbolt.

My Thoughts, Insights, and Some Spoilers

Often times when I write a poem I think about things a few times and sometimes it gets complex enough I need to give myself notes as a look back as I move forward in how I’m shaping, and connecting things.

Looking at that 8 sided arrow thing and wondering “what is this???” Well, that is a fun thing about Poetry Dice I get to interpret that. People always want to be told what they don’t know. I want to explore what I don’t know!

While it is not the most correct thing in the world to think of color wheel as 8 sided this really fit with the arrows in my mind. Along with a thought of those “feet” dice are not really feet at all they can be a painter’s palette where they hold paint. While I have seen in my past a similar palette where first colors are bigger than last ones on it as well this also was out of ordinary. These two things drew me to a conclusion.

I really love the color I often use it to have to meaning: yellow, orange, red, purple, violet, blue, turquoise, and green were now born somehow into the poem. That real kicker here in “balance” and that 8 arrow thing being an even number was a nice sight.

What place will colors lead me? Well, they do have strong meanings, feelings, the purpose this lead me toward Greek mythology at least the main traits if I can pick them up of whatever god/goddess but how to balance that out? What if I didn’t try and balance out the powers but instead had crisscross of Norse mythology gods in as well 4 of each.

The balance then is using the color wheel (Yellow to violet; orange to blue, red to turquoise, purple to green)and 4 from each mythology. I’ll be the first one to admit my remembering of such things was never great. This is not exactly about lore or being true but I did draw in some inspiration.

Originally I was only going use colors as names but I felt for my readers and the far leap I had to make to get to this point might be even more confusing for them. So while I did use color as a way to solve and use one of the dice I did turn them over into names to give my readers a better understanding.

The color and character inspiration I drew from my limited knowledge and understanding of a few things. These are my own interpretations you might interpret things differently. I loosely had these in mind as the words formed around a story.

Loki, (yellow: energy, intellect. Nord trickster may help or hinder )
Thalia (violet: rich flourishing abundance. Ancient Greek: Charis, banquets)
Euthymia, (orange: joy, optimistic. Greek Charis, charm)
Skade (blue: sad, cold, brutal strong. Nord: bow and spear, winter)
Vali (Red: anger, power, passion Nord: grew to fullness in a day and passion towards missions)
Apollo (turquoise: healing, safe, hope Greek: while could heal had bad reputation as a plague )
Zeus, (purple: royalty, king. Greek king and had daughter Charis )
Ithunn (green: nature, trees, apples; Norse: known for apples and youth)

But who won the first two? The Greek or Nord or Both? Did you notice the rhyme schemes used? The Last two give insight into the first two.

As for the dice I used them in many ways many times just literally otherwise as metaphor sense. I won’t be spoiling that


Drawings and content is written by @enjar for my entry into Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 Week 24



good article thanks for information

very thorough post! great job! follow and upvote!


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