
Powerful words! :-o I am blown away by your story skills. You say so much with so little. Cheers

Thanks a lot Robyn!

Once again, King @clayboyn reigns supreme. Your words spoke volumes to me and to a nation that is subjective by authoritative abuse, much of which does not make the news. And how ludicrous is it to be busted for a flower, that depending on where you live, you may be able to just walk across a state line and smoke it and all is well. After all this is suppose to be the 'United' States of America, if its okay in Colorado it should be okay everywhere. Our lives should not be held in the balance, nor should our freedom be suspended because of political bureaucracy , the translation in plain site being , bulls#!t. I guess you struck a nerve in me. Anyway good post.

It's like a sad joke that just never finds that funny punch line. The person keeps telling it in some sadistic attempt at humor like it will all be worth it if you just make it to the end, but when you get there it was just a bully having a laugh at your expense. Fuck the system. Thanks @rensoul17. <3

Yes so true!!! Right!!! You're Welcome.

Here here!!!!!! Flower is a healer not a killer. Might even cure cancer! :-o and they try to keep it from us, keep us sick....But you can't keep a good dog down.

haha yeah we get a load of bullshit for flower smoking over here. daft. did you know MJ was only outlawed because of some crazy political bosh? I'm not one for facts and figures but that's the truth. Such bullshit. And people are such sheep - hammering down on potheads when they themselves drink and steal and treat people like dirt. My brother in law is like that. He's a nob. I'm getting really well known locally because of my poetry and charity work. Next up I'm hitting the MJ laws. There are benefits to being chronically sick. Less suckers mess with you! And it helps with pain. Tho jury maybe out on my psychological stage haha. nice work anyway :)

The worlds insane, if they want to call us crazy let em. :)

You rhyme divinely. You've told the story of so many... tax dollars wasted on persecuting what shouldn't be even questioned. Brilliant write.

Great poem written by amazing poet

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