SteemitPoetryContest #8: Promises are Illusory

in #poetrycontest7 years ago

I occasionally write different poetries here on steemit - I apologize up front for this one, it hurt coming out of me.

This is a challenge from @terrycraft that I have participated in in the past, every week there is a new theme - four quatrains of any scheme!


I make all these plans up in my head,
I imagine things working out just like I said.
Then reality hits, full force - its a shock!
Worth a whole lot of nothing all of my talk.

There are a few reasons that plans of mine fall through;
unforseen circumstances come about, they always do.
Time constraints come and squeeze the joy out of life -
Always fighting the clock seems quite a bit like strife.

But the biggest illusion of all is the promises people make,
when sometimes I require other people to participate.
Maybe I should have learned by now, perhaps I'm just dense,
Relying on others doesn't make any sense.

OK now cheer up!

Love and Light to All!


sounds very much like what mom and i have been teaching you for years. it does my heart good to see you maturing, even if it is in prose. i love you, and of course my lovely daughter in law.

Great poetry man...

Thank you for reading :)

I can very much relate to each part of this. I dream big and sometimes get too many ideas in my head about how those dreams are going to come to pass, when many times they want to happen their own way.

they want to happen their own way

Great point! I can get bogged down in the how, even when the destination is the same!

Thanks for stopping by ;p

All these lines make perfect sense.

Thank you for reading @sayee! I appreciate your support :)

That's quite uncharacteristically pessimistic for you. But not bad.

yes it does seem that way, but, from his fathers point of view, its more maturing. i don't think he will ever be an unhappy sole. sometimes just growing in life, slows us for a second to look around and not get lost. it makes me happy that he's not afraid to share the ups and downs. this advice will help others too.

Edit: Oh, I see. I don't know, it seems the poem is more hyperbole than literal. While you should certainly acknowledge that others are capable of making mistakes and letting you down, it's not as dire as the poem states that you simply cannot rely on others.

Or perhaps it is?

Certainly for me it is hyperbole. I suspect my dad is most proud of the first quatrain.

When you are as optimistic as I am, sometimes a down-to-earth dad can get tired of inflated expectations.

never tired of your optimism. just glad to see you realize sometimes life throws blocks in the way. you have always been a very optimistic person and don't always acknowledge those blocks. at almost 30, i think this was the first time i ever heard you voice the blocks. just a dad watching his son grow in life. very satisfying. love you

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