A King By Birth - Poetry Bounty

in #poetrybounty5 years ago (edited)

Born the youngest daughter of a king
In a land of peace and harmony
Taking first steps and speaking first words
Learning and growing
The kingdom at peace

A graceful princess
Now wild and full of adventure
Choosing sword over duty
Eligible gentlemen flock towards her beauty
Kneeling with a request for her hand
Reject, renounce, run away

A sole traveller, destined to see the world
Set sail for the sea
Devoted hands guide mild tides
Canvas captures gusts, ropes fly

Waves crash and wind howls
Tossed from the ship
Rolling, tumbling, trying to break free
An omnipresent darkness brings panic and fear

A hand claims flesh returning the soul to the living
Burning lungs gasp for nectar
Scrambling for purchase on debris
Exhilaration from the wreckage

Retreating home for shelter
Discovers wasteland
Royal house extinguished
Single heir survives
A kingdom turns to war

The princess prepares for battle
Restoring blade and armour
Her land will know peace again

This is my entry to the 1st round of Poetry Bounty by @Bananafish.

Find out about it here

This was the prompt:

Music Prompt & Video Attribution:
"Jökull (Metal Version)" by Alexander Nakarada
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
Music promoted by Song Selections


Ode to the Warrior Princess. Enjoyed this poem/tale of a kingdom we all know of somewhere long ago.

Love this, Gaby! You've written a marvelous piece that feels as it should be married with the music. EPIC!

The soft guitar of the intro aligns with your sweet babe born to peace and harmony. The tempo increases and you show the princess, wild and strong, defiantly doing more for her people than simply choosing a suitor. Her running to explore the world and the storm crashing in to toss her about races our pulses as the song shifts to its metal middle. The pounding fear and the darkness to then her exhilaration of breathing, of surviving, has us cheering for her. Battered by the waves like the beating of the drums, she prevails.

The return to her war-torn wasteland of a home gives us another reason to adore her. Heartbroken at the loss, she does not flail and languish in sadness. This fair princess maiden takes up her steel to reclaim her home and return the peace to her people. With the power and determination she's shown, I've no doubt she'll succeed.

Though you've made me visualize so perfectly, I want to see a video of your poem to this music with the story!!!

You really capture the rise and fall here, the plucking tale of hope and spirits rising in the music, growing up and running free, guttering low to then claw their way back up, standing alone in ruin,and then in stirring defiance. You capture so much of the music, giving form to the notes through poetry, and you achieve a beautiful level of duality in this. Not only can I picture the poem playing out to the music, but I can picture it being pictured. I can picture a little girl throwing herself around to the music, acting out this poem as she listens, just as clearly as the little girl, growing up under her father’s watchful eye, choosing her own path, one that ultimately prepared her for what she returned to.

I really love the way you have been inspired by the music, and the strong connection between the verses and the progression of the music. The poem itself has a depth that is easy to miss. At a glance, it is another princess who tried to defy her father and everything went wrong for her, the lesson being do as you are told now young lady. But there is so much more. She makes a choice, that is not understood by her suitors, and those who come to her do not do so as equals, but on bended knee. It is a request made, which she rejects, it is not the typical fairytale defiance of snobbery or self importance but self discovery that motivates her. There is such a careful weighing in the connotations of the words in each verse, they carry so much more than their primary meaning, Each adjective sets a scene, whispering of more than it is.

I love how she starts out a daughter, the shadow of her father, she becomes a graceful princess, and i suspect you chose that phrase for its popular use and all the standard graceful twirling 14 year old princess at the ball images that go with it, she becomes a sole traveler by her own choice, then lost in a storm, she becomes nameless, faceless, just another body in the sea. Then in the end, returned, and knowing herself, she becomes not just a princess, but the princess - a king by birth.


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