
Greetings appreciated @marlyncabrera. As part of the exercise to strengthen the links between the poets who participated in the challenge of the poetry of the 100 days in # the poetry of the secondary school, next to the professor @d-pend, I will try to penetrate his beautiful poem, looking meanings.
I chose this poem because it represents a challenge and I love it, although I do not always surpass it, but I insist on trying it.
In reference to the form, the poem is a piece of ten free verses.
"Yes / No questions" presents an achievement in the movement of contrasts, which causes a dynamic and melodic effect that immediately draws attention.
The first seven verses are composed of two adversative phrases, each one. However, we note that the first sentence of each line contains some negative aspect of the human being: errors / doubts / remorse / impurity / complaints / repentance. And, the second phrase, something positive, of value, something that enriches the human essence: rest / time / joy / happiness / harmony / life / soul.
The following eight verses change the image and address an inaccurate "you," except the eighth verse:

Berkeley goes for a walk.

that suggests the idea of ​​"someone" participating in the escen of words raised in the following verses where the revelation is given that one is in the middle of a game of chess where the black triumphs over the white, which paradoxically is swallowed by the light.

So much light erased whites spaces.

Presents itself the idea that, due to human incomprehension, light absorbs the white, which we assume to be the good things of life, giving strength to the black, assumed as evil.
So, you can think that the poem has an anthropogenic character by suggesting the development of life and human behavior and culture as a game of chess where man was invited to play, by someone "superior", as we suppose by the expression of the mandate

Come! Take your chess game.
You will learn about black and white.

In the midst of this, the ideas that try to explain why the imbalance occurred are presented, but I'm not sure. It is something like that people are not careful enough and lose the signals, lose sensitivity, do not empathize with people who suffer, resulting in the gain of darkness, the black arrives triumphant at the end of the game.
I really liked the fantasy and the fabric of the poem. Congratulations, you have great talent. You are a great poet.

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