What the Sunset Said (Original Poem & Photography)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Sunset original no filter.jpg


Start, Again

Sunset is a gentle master to all that are stricken
patiently, teaching us how to melt a bruise away
Watch how, with a silver whisk, that cracked egg
of a setting sun is majestically stirred, and put to rest

Violent violet, pining pink, and yelling yellow
all agitated, then muted, their differences reconciled
Until all that remains is a faint tattoo of quiet hurt
pearlescent wisps of smoke from a sighing flame

that night, stealthily, smothers and hushes away…

©Yahia Lababidi
Original image (no filter)


Loved this. the part that leaps out to me is "all that remains is a faint tatoo of quiet hurt." That just aches, and has changed how I will see sunsets now.

Thank you, for your sensitive response. That might be my favorite line, too, describing the suffering of all things, the last stage of pain before it fades away... It's a privilege to be told that my words will be with you, when you see sunsets. _/|\_

Your book arrived this week! Yay.

Ive been teaching war poetry all week... WilfredOwen.

Dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh

Beauty, as always, in the eyes of the beholder

Woohoo, thanks, for letting me know!

Also, that terribly beautiful echo from Owen... wow.

Hope you find a mix of peace in my book to balance all that war poetry. _/|\_

I do end up dreaming of mud and tunnels, that's for sure!

Love it @yahialababidi. I enjoyed the comparison of the sun to a cracked egg. Isn't it a special thing that each day, the sun rises again and asks us to start, again

A reminder, my friend, never to give up or despair of rebirth. Sweet setting to you & may we rise, again, and do better. Thanks, for stopping by 🙏🏼

I love the poem the word play was mind blowing and the picture is epic"I'm in love with that free Bird enjoying the sunset".
You not just a good writer,but also a good photography, you gifted.
I love everything about the post.

Ah, you noticed the bird :) Happy you appreciated picture and word play (words can have wings, too :) Thank you for the encouragement. _/|\_

There is indeed a certain power to a sunset. I don't think one can help being drawn into a meditative state watching one. A little bit of hidden magic in plain sight:)

Fantastic write, Yahia:) Come post it in Friday Poetsif you are so inclined:)

Meditative state is right, Pryde. (If I'm lucky) I tend to enter a kind of trance during this enchanted hour... Thanks, for hearing me, and for the kind invite. Rushing to get dinner started, but will check out FP, first :)

Wow i have never heard a sunset being spoken about in this manner in my life, i love your expressions

Good to hear there was an element of surprise in it for you. This, too, is what poetry can do (show us what we take for granted in a new light). Thanks, for your kind words.

Great piece @yahialababidi.
These words are audible to the deaf and visible to the blind.

Glad you enjoyed it, new friend (but, remember, exaggeration is the enemy of poetry ;)

I don’t seem to understand you there. ...enemy of poetry, how?

Sunset always brings peace to the environment..!

That bird made the snap more majestic..! 👌


This is an amazing picture, i always love the sunset and having taken the pic without any filter is amazing

You see I don’t need to analyze the poetry word for word before I pay my tribute to the writer. All I’m gonna say is SUPERB!!!

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