Life of a Sad Clown (an orignal poem)

in #poetry8 years ago

 Life of Sad Clown

During heavy rain
a kid approaches.
To have some fun is his main interest.
Clown offers many
sweet little games. Kid looks at him,
“I want to throw the water,”
he proudly says As clown is not yet sad,
as clown is not yet wet.
However, clown is hungry “Sure, do it!” – polite answer.
Show begins.
First throw is missed and kid is getting anxious
“I paid to make a
humiliation.” Second one is close,
but not yet there.
Last throw left and clown will be safe,
his family will not starve.
Kid throws and water explodes
straight to clown’s head.
“You won, kid,” smiles clown,
handing the prize.
Kid is happy, parents are happy…
and proud.
Clown cries, but how should anyone
They never look.


Thank you! I am glad you like it :))

The tough question: are you the kid or the clown and which do you want to be and which does your behaviour tend towards. I am no psych but it looks pretty clear! No offence intended - the poem begs the questions!

I wouldn't think that I have to be any of them to write about it. I just had a chance to witness this kind of a game, in small Guatemala village, and the mood was like in a poem. It might have only been a mood at the time.
Sometimes it is hard to write about things as you know that people will think that you are writing about yourself, haha. Of course, it might be somewhere in my unconcious, but I doubt it. This time it was a pure observation. However, thanks for the comment. It made me think through it again, and I like it :D

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