How are we Meant to be Used? A Meditation on Faith, Death, and Bondage

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

HR over at @artwatch has finally gotten her @porn-watch project going,

and it promises to be a thrill in all the best ways: saucy, irreverent, erotic, fun, and friendly.

I'm not sure how much of my "dark side" I want to share here on Steemit. Isn't that a reservation everyone has? It certainly held up @artwatch's project for some time. In the end she overcame her fears, and posted some pictures of a red-hot blue eyed stunner smoking a cigar--like she knew right where all my buttons were and pushed them hard.

So when she said she expected a darker entry from me, I was incapable of resistance.

She wanted a free-write story but I'm providing a thoroughly edited poem. Submission's no fun if there's not a little fight in it!


How are we Meant to be Used?

How are we meant to be used?
What is the purpose of each of our parts?
If a cup is for drinking and a car is for driving, than what of our bodies and minds?
How can we know, with so many paths to choose,
How we are meant to be used?

What is the pattern to play?
With 88 notes in the scale (if in tune)
And all that bare air to vibrate and shake,
We can practice 'till our fingers bleed, pluck strings until they break,
And die before we get it right. Who judges and who grades?
Are you straight or are you gay?
What is the pattern to play?

Who will bind you? Who will tie you down?
Everyone submits to someone. God or monster, family, or self -
The last is an illusion. Even masters have those whom they serve.
Be suspicious of your liberties and pleasures, but follow them despite it - there's a thrill
In descending darkened alleys, unlit corridors and dungeon steps
Until the manacle clicks! on your wrist, as your fate finds you.
What will tie you down? And who will bind you?

Once you can't move, the deciding is over.
There's a freedom in that. Some call it faith and others death. We must have trust
In the inevitable - it makes it hurt less. Ah, but if we submit while we still cling to
The phantasm of choice: one leg tied there, the other... there,
Wrists lashed together, or spread apart (for now the whim belongs to someone else),
A blindfold extinguishes thoughts of escape. This blackness full of breath and feeling
Is your perfection. Scream and suffer, moan and cry; exult in your disclosure:
How are we meant to be used? Once you can't move, the deciding is over.



I don't think this post requires an NSFW tag, but if anyone's offended or unduly creeped-out I might add it. The poem really is more about faith and free will than sex, or at least I think so. But we wouldn't have made it this many years as a species if everything didn't circle around to sex at some point.

Cheers to HR for getting her groove on over at @porn-watch. I know this isn't a typically male thing to say, but there's a lot of room for intelligently thoughtful, erotic content, now that the usual channels have gone as far into in-your-face extreme content as it's possible to go.

I'm really hoping she shares more her comic-book work as well. The glimpses we've seen so far are positively electric. Just compare these panels to the work of Milo Manara. Seriously. Every line just crackles with energy. I know she's got some concerns about REDACTED, but really, this stuff is way too good to hold back. (I'm of the firmly held opinion that once we share something with the universe, it becomes part of the soil, ready to nourish whatever seeds others might want to plant and grow there. We don't get to control this. Neither should we concern ourselves with it, when we've got a little seed of our own to plant.)

So, do we besmirch ourselves when we delve into the words and images that make our hearts race and our skin tingle?

Sex is messy, love is complicated, and the whole human experience, done right, turns into a sticky, slippery mess.

Here's to more of that, I say!



You like old smokey blue eyes eh?

ha ha

I was thinking about doing some spoken recordings of some of these stories. I was thinking this poem might be a nice ad in. Would you let me read your poem for a post?

@artwatch, you have THE voice for reading poetry. I'm behind you all the way! And @winstonalden's poetry - perfect match.

Now I am really keen.

The stage is set - all eyes on artwatch.

And you know this!!

What an honor that would be! And what a treat to hear your voice!

old smokey blue eyes

Not so old. Not really. Ancient, maybe. Timeless. Enduring.

But not old.

Good save😂

I was the one that said "old", he is simply being very sweet to me. You can be so mean bleed. :P

Compliments will get you everywhere.

You are a classy gentleman, even your smut is highbrow philosophy. Really like this entry.

highbrow smut is kinda the stuff that turns me on. IF I were a dude in the 1800s I would have been fantasizing about ankles and being very turned on by the subtle dress lift in my direction.

For a lady @artwatch , you've got games though....

What will tie me down and bind me? I think @artwatch has got me tied down and binded by this contest.... Was ready to release myself from that bondage but being new to this kindda stuff and seeing what you @sir winstonalden and @bleedpoet have done to this contest, I think I'll rather remain binded and tied cus you both have done justice to it, now it's left for @vermillionfox to come blow my mind...
Ps:- this contest is for the big boys, so don't go there... Lol

It is all about blindfolding, handcuffing and binding in this post! LOL!
No, it is not a reservation for everybody to hide our dark side ;)

Our dark sides are what make us human. Loved the article and poem - I'll check out your page for more. Screw the puritans and their need for NSFW indications. Break free from that cultural electronic bondage. Do your thing brother!

PS -Dolls creep me the hell out normally - Not so much here though.

Great stuff sir..
Lil 18+ Content bit erotic but as I said I am liking the poems in steem here so it's a beautiful exotic poetry written ..Loved it

I don't know how I managed to miss this poem for so long, but I must say I love it! It's so...creepy and dark, it's right up my alley.
As I was reading, I wanted to comment that I think it's a bit darker than reality, but then again, it's poetic license, isn't it? Reality's as dark as you want it to be, when you're writing.

This reminded me of a Slash lyric I love 'But today, you'll be the master, Or the slave, it's up to you'....

Write on, my friend!

Well, I wanted to write something that was about more than sex. And about what makes ideas of mastery and submission so appealing to some people.

For example, both Jordan Peterson and Michel Houellebecq (two very different intellectuals) have written on the idea that religious submission and sexual submission may be linked in the psyche - and may even go some ways to explaining the appeal of the Muslim faith among otherwise progressive Western women.

Indeed, it is a very interesting topic - it's fun to see how the mind works, why you want what you do.
And that (about Western women joining Islam) is a very good observation, I'd say, but still, how do these women get to that? I wonder...I mean you want to be dominated, that's fine, but why not try being tied down or a whip n some leather or something. No, I want Islam!...who says that :O

Maybe (and I know that as a man I'm treading on very thin ice here...) now that women have been freed from traditional gender roles to do whatever they please, a few of them decide they feel more comfortable without all that choice. And since in western culture it's not politically acceptable to be a stay at home housewife of the 1950s christian stereotype, they seek comfort in a culture that will tell them how to behave and reward them for fulfilling a proscribed role.

If you have a chance to read Houellebecq's novel Submission, I highly recommend it. It describes the Muslim Brotherhood coming to dominance in French politics and instituting sweeping changes overnight. It was a very controversial book - but Houellebecq feels it's the job of authors to make readers uncomfortable - and I'm with him in that 100%.

Hmm the whole thing seems pretty backwards to me, although it's logical and you're probably right. Thinking about it, I figure that in a sexual role play or BDSM or whatever you want to call it, they know, in their heads, that it's a game and that they are, in all truth, in charge..Whereas, if they truly convert to Islam and go through with all that, they're not.
Still, the idea that someone would willingly give up their freedom and their power is astonishing to me. And frightening.

Thank you for the recommendation, I'll look it up - sounds really interesting. And I agree, that's the purpose (or at least one of the purposes of art - to make people question things, to make them feel.

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