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RE: Sacred Symphony - Poem & Poetry Reading

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Thank you for positing this. Been a long time since I checked out Herons Nest. I'm surprised they're imposing such limits. The key word is 'publish'. To define a creative work that you've posted on social media as being truly Published, when the creative process can involve pre-publication stages like online workshopping and raising fan awareness by showing early forms of work ...

And who is to say what is a 'rough working draft' for the purposes of peer review, and what is a final published work? Surely the author?

Anyway cheers again.


Honestly, I think it might be ok if you take a poem or short story that you've published on steemit and re-worked it or edited to a point where it constitutes a markedly different version or even a whole new story/narrative. But if you take something that is posted here, unchanged or with only small changes, then it's just going to be thrown away at the checking stage. I'm speaking from experience as I queried two separate sources for mainstream publication over submissions of material put on steemit. Both said it wasn't suitable due to first publishing rights.

Thanks for your comments @wildcosmos and the interesting conversation :-)

Thanks, yes I don't doubt what you say. It does slightly depress me whenever I hear of these kinds of concerns being imposed on the artist's creative process. Reminds me why I drifted away from traditional publishing over time in search of something more ... open. Why I've been moving towards blockchain publishing @wildcosmos in the hope that we can all create a fresh new publishing space where open sharing and creative solutions are more the norm. Cheers!

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