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RE: Why Marry? (Day One)

in #poetry7 years ago

Excellent poem! I love you picked a love theme for your first day! Some of us, who are still not married, needs to feel a see what real marriage is...

It's sad that 9/10 stories about marriage are not good stories, so I'm kinda glad to be reminded that REAL things still exist!

Much love, Luka.


What is there other than love, dear Luka, not much. As Gandhi says, Where there is love, there is life.

But, marriage is no magic wand; we get out of it what we put into it. At some point in life, we realize that we cannot know ourselves further, or continue to grow, on our own and we need another (loving) person who sees us to act as our emotional/spiritual mirror.

To remain clear, such mirrors need to be polished. Anyhow, you get the picture. Sending much love back your way, brother, and gratitude for your kindenss.<3

If I can add also, as Bob Marley said, Love would never leave us alone.

Love is deep inside all of us and the more we run away the more we hear its cry...


An important addition! I tend to agree that the love we hold back, in turn, holds us back...

Also, at the heart of all our unhappiness, I believe there is a crisis of Love—for self, others, G_d. 🙏🏼

The crisis is temporary, love is forever ;)

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