in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

I wrote these three poems below as comments on these three pictures of me. I am not a very good photographer neither do I photograph well. Two of the pictures were taken by me while one was taken by a friend. As you can see, I don’t smile much.

I feel like the pictures that I took speak more truth than the one in which I smiled, which was taken by my friend @ikonigbins, a long time ago. On the day in which he took that picture, the one in which I am smiling with my teeth shining in the sun, I had just lost my job. I had walked along airport road in Benin City with no purpose, for hours, not willing to go home and explain to my folks that I no longer had a job.

I had gone to the King’s Square (Ring Road) and there I met @ikonigbins and his future wife, then his girlfriend. They kept me company and made me smile. Some bleak days just turn out right, right?

The themes in the three poems attached to each picture are themes that reflect parts of me that I try to keep hidden. I am a private person emotionally; I try to be careful with exposing myself to the world. I have, in these poems, tried to give you access to what goes inside me. Maybe you will be able to see it in the pictures after reading the poem, maybe not.

I will leave the poems untitled, as they had come out spontaneously and I do not feel like giving them an identity. Maybe you will find more meaning out of these words than I can. I just can’t deal right now.

First Poem

Stone – cracked visage cold,

Burnt black, sepia toned – lost.

Old wounds fleeing memory, pain bleeding slow;

Gaze at it. Let it warn you, whisper to you.

Watch it crouch further down, claiming broken bodies.

Marble brown face hiding questions,

Seeking escape between shut lips mumbling pleas,

Cursing gods that lie wasted and broken

Before old altars, before fickle worshippers

Who sacrifice gods to savor sins, to succor death.

Second Poem

Laughter; a deception, a lie

Hiding truth in white teeth,

Smiling at you as if the world

Was a playground and butterflies

Were never cocoons eaten by bats.

Crumbling walls clinging to creepers

Drying in the sun, withering

Like the harmattan leaves of forgotten trees,

Like the fading skull surveying the Sahara

Trekking under the old bored sun counting grains

Among old camel footprints and empty water bottles

Lonely lips hide the tears between

Each wrinkled eyelids, between

Old laugh lines fading into worry ridges,

Broken open by constipated nights and empty memories,

Set free by fires that burn bodies that

Scream for father in the stars

While those distant burning gases heat up another man

Far , far away from here.

Third Poem

Suspicion; thieves of souls;

Knives and guns bleeding

Between interlocking tiles

Like friends broken of bonds

But holding on like glue losing strength,

Like the last flare of the dying sun,

Like a kiss of the surf

On the retreating tide of the moon.

Fear; unknown shadows slipping

Into empty rooms stuffed full with dreams.

Suspicious eyes sit with thoughts and spy the world;

Fear the known, dread the hell of living

And the numbness of death.

Suspicions! Please come see where I live,

Come see what I dream; come,

See where I hide my fears.

Suspicions; alone, lonely

Hidden between the shadows of the empty room;

Between the silent quiver of cold bed sheets,

Between the muttering wind, speaking

Of dying things and a world that burns.

The photographs were edited on my Infinix Hot Note.

Airdrop Airdrop Airdrop

I am heading to Benin City today. I am going to speak to some friends about steemit. Yes, they deserve to know.

I have 150 followers now. Yippee!! I love you guys for finding something in my blog, worth clinging to.

Oh yes, Steemit Poets Unite poetry review was hosted by me on Thursday; yes the Warped Issue. Check it out here

What else, well I am still making new friends, learning new stuff, building new relationships and steeming too.

You can join me on the following discord servers;

Die Hard Steemit

Steemit Poets Unite

Isle of Write


© @warpedpoetic


Lovely poem man...You write well.

This is so true:

Laughter; a deception, a lie
Hiding truth in white teeth

These poems are strong, dark, raw, intense. Your words describe ferocious acts and yet they seem soothing. "fires that burn bodies", "Knives and guns bleeding" are only two of the lines that create a strong impact on the readers. I loved reading your poetry. Keep on writing!

Once again I find myself reading and contemplating your poetry.

Once again you made my skin stretch.

Thank you.

heheheheh this is nice nice brother, perfect written and self explained

Give yourself some credit, you are a good photographer :)
Your poems are really nice, they capture the essence of every photo nicely.
Thank you for sharing this with us, it is so personal and lovely 💚

Thanks dear. I normally can't sit still for a photograph. 😂

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Very powerful poems...thank you for sharing!

I'm blown away. What's better than one excellent poem? Three excellent poems! Really wonderful writing.

I love how you use punctuation, especially the semicolons (;). I've only started using them recently, so it's nice to see others use them thoughtfully.

I thank you. I have been trying to wean myself off the use of semi colons but I can't seem to. I am glad that you liked it.

all hail @warpedpoetic the poetic priest


Beautiful poems!

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