Steemjetpoetry: I have sinned because of the foolishness of a human.

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

I have sinned—
Because of the foolishness of a human.

I wanted to thrust a dagger
In return for my tears.

I cannot die—
Can you see a curse.?

Can you see...
A desperate longing.?

You will achieve everything you want,
The boundary between something you can see..
and something you cannot is collapsing.

Please let us be wise
Please save us from this pit
Where we neither—
Grow old nor die.

Please save us,
Please help us.

About the poem

How I came about the poem; It's a wish of a wandering spirit who wrought ill deeds in her life time and was curse to neither get old nor die but live amongst the living as a vagabond. Her actions haunt her eternally making living a punishment.

It happened that a lady due to her social status was hurt from oral abuse, she decoded wrong, the word said to her was misinterpreted or misunderstood, her illiteracy played foul in retaliation she did a child swap from birth to get back at the couple who abused her orally, this affected the destiny of the babies involved - sadly enough both babies were victimised from loving the same man when they became an adult.

The sufferer placed a curse. How? Why? as both babies became antagonist and the other protagonist just for the love of the same man, the man loved the protagonist but loothed the antagonist; she declared "It either I have you or you die" this thought swayed her to burn to death alive the man she loved and the protagonist she despise in their sleep after they made love, in her dying breathe the protagonist laid a curse; "you witch, be a ghost that wanders around forever; a vagabond"

This affected the woman who did ill for tempering with fate and antagonist for murder.
both women has had enough and the woman who tempered with fate wishes for redemption.

image source


Lovely piece bro you did good

Thank you my friend.

I don't know how to describe my mood after reading this but it seems like I'm horrified
Lovely poem bro

Me too but my imagination just ran wide and wrote this piece. Thanks for the comment.

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