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RE: The Secret // a poem by an African

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @lazarus-wist It is encouraging to know that darker message found its way through these quite forced lines. I'm not used to trying to stick to standard form, but I fear I have insufficient inspiration right now to write such free-verse as many others do. When I read your poetry, I feel liberated in many ways. Perhaps it's my darker inspirational force that needs boundaries - hence the form is rigid. We struggle onward!

I really appreciate your interpretations always. Have a great weekend. Incidentally, Siyakatala is/was a place of safety (title I first chose before my OCD edits) in Stellenbosch - an institution for wayward youth - meant as a place to divert youth away from criminal correctional facilities. It didn't work out that way. And probably not much has changed since I interviewed some boys there nearly 20 years ago. It is sad as you say.


Thanks for giving the story behind the title - I did google it beforehand and it came up with the translation 'we do care', which seems all too ironic now...

I admire you for testing yourself with stricter forms. It's a sure fire way to add to your poetic toolset, and something I should do a lot more of myself! Thanks for the kind words and well wishing, may your weekend be peaceful and enjoyable too :)

The world is filled with that kind of sad irony isn't it. Try this one on for size Esidimeni (place of dignity). Same country too, I am appaled to say. In truth, the actual place called Esidimeni was nt the culpret in that tragedy and as the tragedy wa unfolding in the media, I often felt how unfair it was that the entire tragedy was coined in that way - there was even an "Esidimeni Hearing". The actual crime was committed by those who were hell-bent on closing that place down, eeven though it provided a very dignified service under the limiting financial circumstances.

Go well, friend - or hamba kahle, as we would say.

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