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RE: Last Night in Japan | Original Poetry

in #poetry5 years ago

This is a wonderful piece of work with great imagery and interesting twists. I love the segue between each of the verses. Nicely executed and fascinating! Bravo! 🙌 Love the image you chose, too!

Tagging @enginewitty so he will see this poem...


Was on my list and rebrought to my attn on pypt, thank you Kitty. My kind of soul searching here. Great poem @joeylim😎

Posted using Partiko Android

@enginewitty I'm so glad you find it thought provoking ((:

Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT

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@thekittygirl Thank you - you don't know how much of an encouragement this is!! <3 also for sharing it with your friends as well, I'm grateful ((':

Actually, I shared it with more people a short while ago! I attend a post-curation show each week called "Pimp Your Post Thrusday" (PYPT) in a Discord server called "TheRamble." PYPT is the oldest post-curation show running on Discord for posts on the Steem blockchain. I shared the link to your post in there this evening and people liked the poem! You will probably have a few extra comments and upvotes coming because of that, and you deserve them! 😊

Here are a few SHADE tokens for you; you can check your tokens on Steem-Engine


WOW!! Yeah I saw some commenting they came by because of #pypt.

What can I say...

I'm really really touched. Thank you so much <3 <3

Hi joeylim the SHADE tokens are on the way.
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Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

Hi thekittygirl the SHADE tokens are on the way.
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